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iDQ monitoring

Patrick Godwin requested to merge idq_monitoring into master

This merge request adds all the necessary pieces to add iDQ monitoring for streaming, specifically by looking at the output data from idq-timeseries.

The monitoring page:

It adds a new executable, idq-monitor, which runs the function stream.monitor().

All the necessary files are contained within etc/web/assets (css, js) and etc/web/scripts (cgi files + the google charts python lib which needs to be in the same cgi-bin folder). There's some hardcoded stuff in here but other than embedding the script itself within iDQ or using a template file to fill in stuff like sqlite DB location, it would need to be done manually. Not the best for now, will have to think of a better way to do this but it works. It will probably be changed a lot and maybe not use google charts in the near future depending on how much progress I make on the monitoring front for gstlal + iDQ, but would rather get this checked in rather than having it in the wild without any version control.

Edited by Patrick Godwin

Merge request reports