LALSuite 6.43
LALInference 1.9.1
LALSuite 6.42
LALApps 6.21.0
LALStochastic 1.1.20
LALInference 1.9.0
LALPulsar 1.16.0
LALInspiral 1.7.7
LALDetChar 0.3.5
LALBurst 1.4.4
LALSimulation 1.7.0
LALXML 1.2.4
LALMetaIO 1.3.1
LALFrame 1.4.3
LAL 6.18.0
Bug fix release of 1-54 with no explicit imports to exceptions.
Mid O2 release for Debian compatibility for lalsuite.
Tagging O1 TwoSpect all-sky production code