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  • Karl Wette's avatar
    swiglal: type conversions for primitive C types · 0e53c1d7
    Karl Wette authored
    - swiglal-common.i: C++ function templates swiglal_from
      and swiglal_as_val convert primitive C types to/from
      scripting language, and fall back to make a swig_type
      wrapper for any other type. e.g. structs. All C integer
      and floating-point types, and LAL/GSL complex types are
      considered primitive.
    - LALAtomicDatatypes.h: exclude COMPLEX8/COMPLEX16 from
      interface, since they should be always converted to
      scripting language complex numbers.
    - swiglal-octave.i: provide SWIG UTL conversion fragments for
      LAL/GSL complex types. octcomplex.swg is broken, so include
      a fixed copy here.
    - swiglal-python.i: provide SWIG UTL conversion fragments for
      LAL/GSL complex types.
    - Added tests of complex number conversions for Octave and Python
    Original: e594e1660cff7c767a96066359b1e3d7195b28a2