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Remove .gitlab-ci-CW.yml

Hi @adam-mercer,

FYI I've taken over from @reinhard-prix as CW "code librarian", so I guess I should be the first point of contact for CW code issues or problems.

This merge request removes the custom .gitlab-ci-CW.yml file, reverting back to the default .gitlab-ci.yml. I'd prefer not to maintain a separate CW GitLab CI configuration given that it relies on various technical details on how the LSC GitLab server is set up, and I'm guessing you probably don't want to update .gitlab-ci-CW.yml every time .gitlab-ci.yml changes.

Another problem with the current .gitlab-ci-CW.yml is that it excludes some CW codes, e.g. in lalapps/src/pulsar/HeterodyneSearch which depends on LALInference. I'd rather not risk the possibility that some CW codes are not being tested by the custom .gitlab-ci-CW.yml, but them fail when they're run under the default .gitlab-ci.yml.

It might still be nice to be able to skip building certain LAL libraries, but I'd prefer that to be integrated into the default .gitlab-ci.yml. It looks like this is not possible now but may be so in future, see e.g.

Cheers, Karl

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