Porting FTA infrastructure to master
The testing_gr_FTA branch was set up to port code (previously reviewed and existing on the old lalinference_o2 branch: https://git.ligo.org/noah.sennett/lalsuite/tree/testing_gr_fd_infrastructure) related to the parameterised test of general relativity using the flexible theory agnostic (FTA) approach. The results produced by the old code were reviewed and part of several past testing GR collaboration publications, including the O2 TGR catalog paper.
API Changes and Justification
Backwards Compatible Changes
This change introduces no API changes -
This change adds new API calls
Backwards Incompatible Changes
This change modifies an existing API -
This change removes an existing API
If any of the Backwards Incompatible check boxes are ticked please provide a justification why this change is necessary and why it needs to be done in a backwards incompatible way.
Review Status
The review wiki for the ported code is here: https://git.ligo.org/noah.sennett/lalsuite/-/wikis/home It involved:
- a line-by-line code review
- waveform checks as was done in the review of the old code
- reproducing PE results from the old code The reviewers have now signed off the code: https://git.ligo.org/noah.sennett/lalsuite/-/wikis/home#reviewers-statement and it has been used to produce results for 12m and 14bv
Note: For the purpose of producing results for the upcoming papers, this branch was merged with the SEOBNRv4HM_ROM branch, and consists of several commits belonging to that branch [commits: 84d3ac33 to 75459592 (consecutive and all authored by Roberto Cotesta)]. We want advice about how best to proceed.