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simulateCW: add tmin,tmax to get_strain method

Hi @karl-wette , in using your CWSimulator more I found it useful to be able to set it up once, then be able to get only different subsets of the strain timeseries. (E.g. to save memory when not working through disk outputs like frames/SFTs.)

This patch adds tmin, tmax arguments to the get_strain() method. As a nice code flow side benefit, this also now makes it possible for get_strain_blocks() to call get_strain() instead of directly the lower-level _simulate_coherent_gw().

Marked as WIP: as so far I've tested that it doesn't break anything obvious in frame and SFT generation, but I should make a more detailed test to verify results are actually identical. However, code review already very welcome!

Edited by David Keitel

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