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Adding OnlyFinal evolution to SpinTaylor and using it in the v2 of the hybrid tilts at infinity calculation


This adds a new XLALSimInspiralSpinTaylorPNEvolveOrbitOnlyFinal() function to LALSimulation that only returns the final result of the SpinTaylor evolution, not the intermediate values necessary to generate the waveform, and is thus significantly faster that the usual SpinTaylor evolution, since it does not have to interpolate to obtain all the intermediate values, just the final value. This evolution uses a new XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4HermiteOnlyFinal() function added in the LAL utilities. This merge request also includes the OnlyFinal evolution as an option in XLALSimInspiralSpinTaylorDriver(). Additionally, it adds a v2 of the hybrid tilts at infinity calculation that uses the OnlyFinal evolution, and now both v1 and v2 use XLALSimInspiralSpinTaylorDriver(), since this is the preferred interface to the SpinTaylor evolution. Since v2 is significantly faster, the test on the v2 hybrid evolution code is now run in all builds, instead of just the Conda build, as was done for the v1 evolution. This merge request also includes the changes from !1677 (closed).

API Changes and Justification

Backwards Compatible Changes

  • This change introduces no API changes
  • This change adds new API calls

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • This change modifies an existing API
  • This change removes an existing API

Review Status

This has been reviewed by @sylvain.marsat, @marta.colleoni, @lucy.thomas, and @hector.estelles (see here; review statement to be added in the next few days).

Edited by Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel

Merge request reports
