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3 piece dynamic polytrope eos model, eos viability checks

Leslie Wade requested to merge leslie.wade/lalsuite:jeremy into master


This merge request is to 1) add a new EOS model to lalsimulation, and 2) to add some viability checks to the spectral decomposition EOS model.

The new model we're adding is a 3-piece dynamic polytrope. What's dynamic about this model is that the joining pressures are parameters.

The viability checks that we're adding through errors if the model is expected to fail before making the EOS or the EOS family.

These changes are helpful for implementing parameterized EOS inference in Bilby.

API Changes and Justification


Backwards Compatible Changes

  • This change introduces no API changes
  • This change adds new API calls

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • This change modifies an existing API
  • This change removes an existing API

If any of the Backwards Incompatible check boxes are ticked please provide a justification why this change is necessary and why it needs to be done in a backwards incompatible way.

Review Status

This code has not yet been reviewed. Jolien Creighton, if willing, would be an appropriate reviewer.

Merge request reports