New waveforms interface
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Incorporates the new waveforms interface.
Support calling C and python waveform models from C and python clients.
The standard functions XLALSimInspiralChooseFD(TD)Waveform and XLALSimInspiralChooseFD(TD)Modes remain backwards compatible.
New C functions have been added XLALSimInspiralGenerateFD(TD)Waveform(Modes)
which replicate the old ones and support a more flexible input of the parameters. Equivalent functions exist for the python interface.
The LALSuite build system has been modified to support embedded python.
See here for a brief introduction on the new waveforms interface.
API Changes and Justification
Backwards Compatible Changes
This change does not modify any class/function/struct/type definitions in a public C header file or any Python class/function definitions -
This change adds new classes/functions/structs/types to a public C header file or Python module
Backwards Incompatible Changes
This change modifies an existing class/function/struct/type definition in a public C header file or Python module -
This change removes an existing class/function/struct/type from a public C header file or Python module
If any of the Backwards Incompatible check boxes are ticked please provide a justification why this change is necessary and why it needs to be done in a backwards incompatible way.
Review Status
Review chaired by @vijay.varma and @sascha.husa. Review wiki, review repo The review statement for the first stage of reviews is here.
Merge request reports
- version 66196b9f11
- version 653d2e6c35
- version 643512ec77
- version 637f42cdba
- version 62461f7316
- version 613c72ca51
- version 60abe2e628
- version 593a2acc7c
- version 58409401af
- version 579ec1e119
- version 563e147e11
- version 556b14b331
- version 54e4339ce5
- version 538d02eaca
- version 52067060b6
- version 51445a7e12
- version 504a7753db
- version 49e5fa8cfb
- version 48ad274f5b
- version 47ac6595bd
- version 46b42752b0
- version 45a8c20b2c
- version 4445ca3bc0
- version 438cc69af7
- version 4246e227bc
- version 415ea72a28
- version 4001570799
- version 39f0e97979
- version 386585153f
- version 37a3ece6d0
- version 36181ed443
- version 358fd83721
- version 348ce5c35e
- version 33afcffebc
- version 32b63feebc
- version 31c0927682
- version 30750912b2
- version 29e0de55a7
- version 286b3e3d39
- version 273ec4137e
- version 26c50edd61
- version 25b702aff1
- version 24fb14fd9a
- version 23c48dd268
- version 228f5a4d4e
- version 21b9a7c60b
- version 202f9c51d7
- version 19f1025fef
- version 1871cf8717
- version 177e45f102
- version 167ffae556
- version 15aaf2571a
- version 14b513b54e
- version 135ad44a6d
- version 126823bb4b
- version 119e9149ae
- version 10d2b86112
- version 9020b28c4
- version 8e6b6673e
- version 7be9f6b86
- version 60032f923
- version 51da1a023
- version 4391604db
- version 36b60a912
- version 2b341faff
- version 171ae01e7
- master (base)
- latest versionf986945a239 commits,
- version 66196b9f11238 commits,
- version 653d2e6c35237 commits,
- version 643512ec77235 commits,
- version 637f42cdba230 commits,
- version 62461f7316227 commits,
- version 613c72ca51226 commits,
- version 60abe2e628220 commits,
- version 593a2acc7c219 commits,
- version 58409401af218 commits,
- version 579ec1e119217 commits,
- version 563e147e11216 commits,
- version 556b14b331215 commits,
- version 54e4339ce5214 commits,
- version 538d02eaca213 commits,
- version 52067060b6212 commits,
- version 51445a7e12211 commits,
- version 504a7753db210 commits,
- version 49e5fa8cfb207 commits,
- version 48ad274f5b206 commits,
- version 47ac6595bd205 commits,
- version 46b42752b0204 commits,
- version 45a8c20b2c203 commits,
- version 4445ca3bc0202 commits,
- version 438cc69af7201 commits,
- version 4246e227bc200 commits,
- version 415ea72a28199 commits,
- version 4001570799198 commits,
- version 39f0e97979197 commits,
- version 386585153f194 commits,
- version 37a3ece6d0146 commits,
- version 36181ed443144 commits,
- version 358fd83721141 commits,
- version 348ce5c35e139 commits,
- version 33afcffebc137 commits,
- version 32b63feebc136 commits,
- version 31c0927682135 commits,
- version 30750912b2134 commits,
- version 29e0de55a7133 commits,
- version 286b3e3d39132 commits,
- version 273ec4137e131 commits,
- version 26c50edd61129 commits,
- version 25b702aff1128 commits,
- version 24fb14fd9a127 commits,
- version 23c48dd268126 commits,
- version 228f5a4d4e125 commits,
- version 21b9a7c60b124 commits,
- version 202f9c51d7121 commits,
- version 19f1025fef120 commits,
- version 1871cf8717119 commits,
- version 177e45f102118 commits,
- version 167ffae556117 commits,
- version 15aaf2571a115 commits,
- version 14b513b54e114 commits,
- version 135ad44a6d112 commits,
- version 126823bb4b111 commits,
- version 119e9149ae110 commits,
- version 10d2b86112109 commits,
- version 9020b28c4108 commits,
- version 8e6b6673e107 commits,
- version 7be9f6b86105 commits,
- version 60032f923103 commits,
- version 51da1a023102 commits,
- version 4391604db101 commits,
- version 36b60a912100 commits,
- version 2b341faff99 commits,
- version 171ae01e798 commits,
- Side-by-side
- Inline