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Add man page for LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL

Karl Wette requested to merge ANU-CGA/lalsuite:man-lal-debug-level into master


Adds a man page for the LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL environment variable, based on the (now-deleted) lalapps/man/lalapps_hello.1. Here is an image of what it looks like when formatted: man LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL

Also clean up a few things in XLALSetDebugLevel():

  • LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL=NDEBUG is implemented as level |= 0 which has no effect. Change to level = 0 so that one can use NDEBUG to cancel out previously-set levels.
  • Use the composite LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL enum values defined in LALDebugLevel.h in XLALSetDebugLevel() for consistency.

API Changes and Justification

Backwards Compatible Changes

  • This change does not modify any class/function/struct/type definitions in a public C header file or any Python class/function definitions
  • This change adds new classes/functions/structs/types to a public C header file or Python module

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • This change modifies an existing class/function/struct/type definition in a public C header file or Python module
  • This change removes an existing class/function/struct/type from a public C header file or Python module

Review Status

cc @jolien-creighton @david-keitel @adam-mercer

Merge request reports
