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WIP: doxygen: include lalpulsar .i files (v2)

Supersedes !502 (closed), rebased after !504 (merged) and squashed changes into a single commit.

 -there's user request for having the F-stat hotloop source files show up in doxygen
 -empty lalpulsar exclude.list to not exclude *.i files include any *.i in FILE_PATTERNS
  (no non-lalpulsar non-swig *.i files found anywhere else in lalsuite)
 -add initial comment blocks to ComputeFstat_DemodHL*.i to make doxygen happy

The generated pretty-html pages only parse the ComputeFstat_DemodHL*.i with several issues (will add link after pipeline goes through), but at least one can easily browse the source versions now.

Edited by Ghost User

Merge request reports