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New Python interface to the LAL antenna pattern functions

Matthew Pitkin requested to merge matthew-pitkin/lalsuite:python_antenna into master

I've created a (hopefully) nice Python interface to the LAL antenna pattern functions. (Other implementations probably exist elsewhere - pylal had one - but I don't think there's one in LALSuite at moment, and there's an implementation for purely tensor modes in pycbc).

The AntennaResponse class that is defined actually implements three different options for generating the antenna patterns. The default actually doesn't use the LAL XLALComputeDetAMResponse() function, but uses a purely Python implementation based in @patrick-sutton's old MatApps code. The second option uses XLALComputeDetAMResponse(). The third option generates a look-up table in psi and time and interpolates that table.

The class can also output the vector and scalar polarisation modes if requested.

cc @adam-mercer @karl-wette - does this look like it would be useful to have in LALSuite? If not, I can just put it in some other repository.

Edited by Ghost User

Merge request reports
