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Taylor f2 ecc review


Purpose of Modification

  1. This modification introduce a new eccentric inspiral waveform TaylorF2Ecc based on existing TaylorF2.
  2. This modification supplies eccentric waveform for small eccentricity(~0.2).
  3. Exposed API is XLALSimInspiralTaylorF2Ecc(), details in

API Changes and Justification

  1. New API is int XLALSimInspiralTaylorF2Ecc (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde_out, const REAL8 phi_ref, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 S1z, const REAL8 S2z, const REAL8 fStart, const REAL8 fEnd, const REAL8 f_ref, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 eccentricity, LALDict *p), which has one extra parameter eccentricity with respect to TaylorF2() API.
  2. Added a new case statement for TaylorF2Ecc in XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform() function.
  3. One can find details of code modification at

Backwards Compatible Changes

  • This change introduces no API changes
  • This change adds new API calls

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • This change modifies an existing API
  • This change removes an existing API

Review Status

Modification is reviewed one can see details at

Review Statement

The TaylorF2ecc approximant in LALSimulation is reviewed as of commit 8f8afe38. This waveform is based on TaylorF2 with corrections accurate to 3PN order to the phase entering at leading order in the binary eccentricity (e_0^2). Non-spinning corrections.

The waveform inherits the domain of validity from TaylorF2. Eccentricity was tested to return sane waveform values up to e=0.5. The accuracy was tested in so far as possible, and should be OK up to e=0.06 (to e=0.15, see Moore et al, Phys. Rev. D 93, 124061 (2016)).

Code modifications code modifications

The current TaylorF2ecc waveform has a new extra frequency parameter f_ecc which is the reference frequency at which the eccentricity is defined. The default value is -1.0 (DEFAULT_F_ECC). f_ecc will be set as f_ref if the user does not specify it (i.e -1.0). In case f_ref is zero(0.0) then f_ecc will be set as f_min.

As with TaylorF2, if the user calls the TaylorF2ecc waveform generation with f_max set to zero(0.0), the waveform will be generated up to ISCO frequency. Otherwise the waveform will be generated up to f_max(>0.0).

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