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ligo-skymap-plot now uses multi-resolution HEALPix natively

Merged Leo P. Singer requested to merge leo-singer/ligo.skymap:plot-moc into main
1 unresolved thread
from import Header
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
import numpy as np
from reproject import reproject_from_healpix
from ...moc import nest2uniq
from ..reproject_from_healpix_moc import reproject_from_healpix_moc
def test_reproject_from_healpix_moc():
header = Header({
'NAXIS': 2,
'NAXIS1': 180,
'NAXIS2': 180,
'CRPIX1': 90.5,
'CRPIX2': 90.5,
'CRVAL1': 180,
'CRVAL2': 0,
'CDELT1': 1,
'CDELT2': 1,
'CTYPE1': 'RA---CAR',
hpx = HEALPix(nside=32)
map_flat = np.arange(hpx.npix)
map_moc = Table({
'UNIQ': nest2uniq(hpx.level, hpx.ring_to_nested(map_flat)),
'IMG': map_flat,
expected = reproject_from_healpix(
(map_flat, 'ICRS'), header, order='nearest-neighbor', nested=False)
result = reproject_from_healpix_moc(
(map_moc, 'ICRS'), header, 'nearest-neighbor')
np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)