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integration with lvalertMP

Reed Essick requested to merge reed.essick/lvalert-heartbeat:master into master

Various debugging of the interface between lvalert-heartbeat and lvalertMP. This included modifications to lvalertMP as well ( commit 716ceafdaaac72f045e3c28aeb39daa26ba47a2e). All functionality (including installation, interactions with lvalert_heartbeat-client, and lvalertMP_heartbeat.parseHeartbeat) have been tested and shown to work. I also included an example childConfig.ini for lvalertMP integration.

This should be the last bit of functionality required before deployment. Therefore, I believe this is ready for packaging and deployment. Once this becomes standard across the clusters, lvalertMP/eventSupervisor/approvalProcessor will be updated to delegate to ligo.lvalert_heartbeat.lvalertMP_heartbeat.parseHeartbeat just like lvalertMP.lvalert.parseAlert.parseAlert does. If we're coordinated, these can be rolled out during the same maintenance period as the actual deployment of lvalert-heartbeat.

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