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Add the Riess2019 H0 cosmology

Charlie Hoy requested to merge reiss2019 into master

The purpose of this MR is to add the Reiss 2019 H0 cosmology to the module. In the Reiss et al paper (, they give a value of H0 but no other cosmological parameters. Therefore, we add the 'planck15_with_riess2019_h0', 'planck13_with_riess2019_h0', 'wmap9_with_riess2019_h0', 'wmap7_with_riess2019_h0', 'wmap5_with_riess2019_h0', 'planck15_lal_with_riess2019_h0' where the base cosmology is used for the other cosmological parameters but H0 is the one quoted in the Riess et al paper.

Edited by Charlie Hoy

Merge request reports