Sky map overlap integral can now use MOC (multi-ordered) GW sky maps; fixes #19
This MR adds the ability to handle multi-ordered (MOC) sky maps, compared to be only able to use flat sky maps before. In addition, can handle single pixel secondary sky maps (as would be applicable for Swift, since the localization is on the order or less than a single pixel).
This MR enables the ability to handle the following combinations of sky maps:
- MOC-flat
- flat-flat (previous method)
- MOC-ra/dec
- flat-ra/dec
Bin scripts have been updated with these new options.
Appropriate unittests were added to verify these methods give identical results.
These changes were also tested and verified with Gracedb Events (e.g.
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %ligo-raven 2.3
added 6 commits
819716fe...be0d2568 - 2 commits from branch
- 7fbde5dc - Add method to calculate sky map overlap with multi-ordered GW sky map
- f13bdef6 - Fix bug with missing package
- 19c64871 - Fix lint errors
- bba2bb03 - Add method for using just ra and dec
Toggle commit list-
819716fe...be0d2568 - 2 commits from branch
mentioned in issue emfollow/gwcelery#408 (closed)
added 1 commit
- 2ef663a6 - Add better handling of nested vs ring sky maps
added 2 commits
added 1 commit
- b8f0636b - Fix issue where sky maps weren't always normalized