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Weight cmbchisq

Timothy Davies requested to merge tdavies__weight_cmbchisq into spiir-O4-EW-development

Marked as draft since we should reconsider our chisq upload thresholds considering these changes. Besides that, the code is done, the testing isn't.

Resolves #130 (closed) by weighting each detector's chisq by the following equation:

cmbchisq = chisq_H1 * (snr_H1^2 / cohsnr) + chisq_L1 * (snr_L1^2 / cohsnr)
i.e. cmbchisq = chisq_H1 * (snr_H1^2 / (snr_H1^2 + snr_L1^2)) + chisq_L1 * (snr_L1^2 / (snr_H1^2 + snr_L1^2)) (for an HL run.)

Resolves #130 (closed)

Related to #49

Edited by Timothy Davies

Merge request reports
