Reduce finalsink latency by processing buffers for current time once we have all of them
Resolves #44 (closed)
FinalSink currently waits until it receives a buffer from time t+1
before processing buffers from time t
By keeping track of how many buffers we have received for time t
we can instead process them as soon as we have them all.
This involves some bookkeeping and tweaks to be compatible with the existing code.
Still handles the possibility of a missing or extremely delayed buffer even though we aren't sure how possible that is in reality (at least for a live run).
Currently a draft to get suggestsions on remaining TODOs (particularly readable variable names) and feedback on logic and the way it has been hacked into finalsink.
Comment(s) explaining the bookkeeping -
Comment(s) explaining how/why it's safe to skip waiting for the next buffer? -
Better variable name for have_all_buffers_for_current_timestamp
Better variable name for latest_processable_data_time
Edited by Andrew Gozzard