# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## 2015-10-06
### Added
- banner warning if the user is looking at an lvem_view page (#2600)
- this changelog file (#2599)
- added event page link to labelling email alerts (#2575)
- add value from coinc_event.likelihood column to "Coinc Tables" for gstlal
events (#2513)
### Changed
- interpretation of values for cWB events (see #2484)
- list of labels for query now generated by DB query instead of static list
- allow more than one EMObservation subrow to be expanded at one time (#2605)
- Changed name of "Duration" field in EMObservation form to "On source
exposure" (#2603)
- Removed customized wait method from throttles so that we can send an
x-throttle-wait-seconds header to the user (#2457)
### Fixed
- remove user from groups that are not present in IdP shibboleth assertion