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Snippets Groups Projects 48 KiB
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('em.gamma.hard',       'Hard gamma ray (>500 keV)'),
('em.X-ray',            'X-ray part of the spectrum'),
('em.X-ray.soft',       'Soft X-ray (0.12 - 2 keV)'),
('em.X-ray.medium',     'Medium X-ray (2 - 12 keV)'),
('em.X-ray.hard',       'Hard X-ray (12 - 120 keV)'),
('em.UV',               'Ultraviolet part of the spectrum'),
('em.UV.10-50nm',       'Ultraviolet between 10 and 50 nm'),
('em.UV.50-100nm',      'Ultraviolet between 50 and 100 nm'),
('em.UV.100-200nm',     'Ultraviolet between 100 and 200 nm'),
('em.UV.200-300nm',     'Ultraviolet between 200 and 300 nm'),
('em.UV.FUV',           'Far-Infrared, 30-100 microns'),
('em.opt',              'Optical part of the spectrum'),
('em.opt.U',            'Optical band between 300 and 400 nm'),
('em.opt.B',            'Optical band between 400 and 500 nm'),
('em.opt.V',            'Optical band between 500 and 600 nm'),
('em.opt.R',            'Optical band between 600 and 750 nm'),
('em.opt.I',            'Optical band between 750 and 1000 nm'),
('em.IR',               'Infrared part of the spectrum'),
('em.IR.NIR',           'Near-Infrared, 1-5 microns'),
('em.IR.J',             'Infrared between 1.0 and 1.5 micron'),
('em.IR.H',             'Infrared between 1.5 and 2 micron'),
('em.IR.K',             'Infrared between 2 and 3 micron'),
('em.IR.MIR',           'Medium-Infrared, 5-30 microns'),
('em.IR.3-4um',         'Infrared between 3 and 4 micron'),
('em.IR.4-8um',         'Infrared between 4 and 8 micron'),
('em.IR.8-15um',        'Infrared between 8 and 15 micron'),
('em.IR.15-30um',       'Infrared between 15 and 30 micron'),
('em.IR.30-60um',       'Infrared between 30 and 60 micron'),
('em.IR.60-100um',      'Infrared between 60 and 100 micron'),
('em.IR.FIR',           'Far-Infrared, 30-100 microns'),
('',               'Millimetric part of the spectrum'),
('',  'Millimetric between 1500 and 3000 GHz'),
('',   'Millimetric between 750 and 1500 GHz'),
('',    'Millimetric between 400 and 750 GHz'),
('',    'Millimetric between 200 and 400 GHz'),
('',    'Millimetric between 100 and 200 GHz'),
('',     'Millimetric between 50 and 100 GHz'),
('',      'Millimetric between 30 and 50 GHz'),
('',            'Radio part of the spectrum'),
('',   'Radio between 12 and 30 GHz'),
('',    'Radio between 6 and 12 GHz'),
('',     'Radio between 3 and 6 GHz'),
('','Radio between 1500 and 3000 MHz'),
('','Radio between 750 and 1500 MHz'),
('', 'Radio between 400 and 750 MHz'),
('', 'Radio between 200 and 400 MHz'),
('', 'Radio between 100 and 200 MHz'),
('',  'Radio between 20 and 100 MHz'),

# TP (2 Apr 2018): pretty sure this class is deprecated - most recent
# production use is T137114 = April 2015.
class EMBBEventLog(AutoIncrementModel):
    """EMBB EventLog:  A multi-purpose annotation for EM followup.

    A rectangle on the sky, equatorially aligned,
    that has or will be imaged that is related to an event"""

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['-created', '-N']
        unique_together = ("event","N")

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "%s-%s-%d" % (self.event.graceid(),, self.N)

    # A counter for Eels associated with a given event. This is 
    # important for addressibility.
    N = models.IntegerField(null=False)

    # The time at which this Eel was created. Important for event auditing.
    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    # The gracedb event that this Eel relates to
    event = models.ForeignKey(Event)

    # The responsible author of this communication
    submitter  = models.ForeignKey(UserModel)  # from a table of people

    # The MOU group responsible 
    group = models.ForeignKey(EMGroup)       # from a table of facilities

    # The instrument used or intended for the imaging implied by this footprint
    instrument = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)

    # Facility-local identifier for this footprint
    footprintID= models.TextField(blank=True)

    # Now the global ID is a concatenation: facilityName#footprintID

    # the EM waveband used for the imaging as below
    waveband   = models.CharField(max_length=25, choices=EMSPECTRUM)

    # The center of the bounding box of the rectangular footprints, right ascension and declination
    # in J2000 in decimal degrees
    ra         = models.FloatField(null=True)
    dec        = models.FloatField(null=True)

    # The width and height (RA range and Dec range) in decimal degrees of each image
    raWidth    = models.FloatField(null=True)
    decWidth   = models.FloatField(null=True)

    # The GPS time of the middle of the bounding box of the imaging time
    gpstime    = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)

    # The duration of each image in seconds
    duration   = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)

    # The lists of RA and Dec of the centers of the images
    raList         = models.TextField(blank=True)
    decList        = models.TextField(blank=True)

    # The width and height of each individual image
    raWidthList    = models.TextField(blank=True)
    decWidthList   = models.TextField(blank=True)

    # The list of GPS times of the images
    gpstimeList        = models.TextField(blank=True)

    # The duration of each individual image
    durationList   = models.TextField(blank=True)

    # Event Log status
    eel_status     = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=EEL_STATUS_CHOICES)

    # Observation status. If OBSERVATION, then there is a good chance of good image
    obs_status     = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=OBS_STATUS_CHOICES)

    # This field is natural language for human
    comment = models.TextField(blank=True)
    # This field is formal struct by a syntax TBD
    # for example  {"phot.mag.limit": 22.3}
    extra_info_dict = models.TextField(blank=True)

    # For AutoIncrementModel save
    AUTO_FIELD = 'N'
    AUTO_CONSTRAINTS = ('event',)

    # Validates the input and builds  bounding box in RA/Dec/GPS
    def validateMakeRects(self):
        # get all the list based position and times and their widths
        raRealList = []
        rawRealList = []
        # add a [ and ] to convert the input csv list to a json parsable text

        if self.raList:        raRealList = json.loads('['+self.raList+']')
        if self.raWidthList:   rawRealList = json.loads('['+self.raWidthList+']')

        if self.decList:       decRealList = json.loads('['+self.decList+']')
        if self.decWidthList:  decwRealList = json.loads('['+self.decWidthList+']')

        if self.gpstimeList:   gpstimeRealList = json.loads('['+self.gpstimeList+']')
        if self.durationList:  durationRealList = json.loads('['+self.durationList+']')

        # is there anything in the ra list? 
        nList = len(raRealList)
        if nList > 0: 
            if decRealList and len(decRealList) != nList:
                raise ValueError('RA and Dec lists are different lengths.')
            if gpstimeRealList and len(gpstimeRealList) != nList:
                raise ValueError('RA and GPS lists are different lengths.')

        # is there anything in the raWidth list? 
        mList = len(rawRealList)
        if mList > 0:
            if decwRealList and len(decwRealList) != mList:
                raise ValueError('RAwidth and Decwidth lists are different lengths.')
            if durationRealList and len(durationRealList) != mList:
                raise ValueError('RAwidth and Duration lists are different lengths.')

            # There can be 1 width for the whole list, or one for each ra/dec/gps 
            if mList != 1 and mList != nList:
                raise ValueError('Width and duration lists must be length 1 or same length as coordinate lists')
            mList = 0

        ramin = 360.0
        ramax = 0.0
        decmin = 90.0
        decmax = -90.0
        gpsmin = 100000000000
        gpsmax = 0
        for i in range(nList):
                ra = float(raRealList[i])
                raise ValueError('Cannot read RA list element %d of %s'%(i, self.raList))
                dec = float(decRealList[i])
                raise ValueError('Cannot read Dec list element %d of %s'%(i, self.decList))
                gps = int(gpstimeRealList[i])
                raise ValueError('Cannot read GPStime list element %d of %s'%(i, self.gpstimeList))

            # the widths list can have 1 member to cover all, or one for each
            if mList==1: j=0
            else       : j=i

                w = float(rawRealList[j])/2
                raise ValueError('Cannot read raWidth list element %d of %s'%(i, self.raWidthList))

            # evaluate bounding box
            if ra-w < ramin: ramin = ra-w
            if ra+w > ramax: ramax = ra+w

                w = float(decwRealList[j])/2
                raise ValueError('Cannot read raWidth list element %d of %s'%(i, self.decWidthList))

            # evaluate bounding box
            if dec-w < decmin: decmin = dec-w
            if dec+w > decmax: decmax = dec+w

                w = int(durationRealList[j])/2
                raise ValueError('Cannot read duration list element %d of %s'%(i, self.durationList))

            # evaluate bounding box
            if gps-w < gpsmin: gpsmin = gps-w
            if gps+w > gpsmax: gpsmax = gps+w

        # Make sure the min/max ra and dec are within bounds:
        ramin  = max(0.0,   ramin)
        ramax  = min(360.0, ramax)
        decmin = max(-90.0, decmin)
        decmax = min(90.0,  decmax)

        if nList>0:
            self.ra       = (ramin + ramax)/2
            self.dec      = (decmin + decmax)/2
            self.gpstime  = (gpsmin+gpsmax)/2
        if mList>0:
            self.raWidth  = ramax-ramin
            self.decWidth = decmax-decmin
            self.duration = gpsmax-gpsmin
        return True