from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.forms.utils import ErrorList
from django.core.exceptions import NON_FIELD_ERRORS
from .models import Trigger, Contact
from search.query.labels import parseLabelQuery

Tanner Prestegard
from pyparsing import ParseException
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def triggerFormFactory(postdata=None, user=None):
class TF(forms.ModelForm):
farThresh = forms.FloatField(label='FAR Threshold (Hz)',
class Meta:
model = Trigger
fields = ['contacts', 'pipelines', 'farThresh', 'labels', 'label_query']
widgets = {'label_query': forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 50})}
help_texts = {
'label_query': ("Label names can be combined with binary AND: "
"'&' or ','; or binary OR: '|'. For N "
"labels, there must be exactly N-1 binary "
"operators. Parentheses are not allowed. "
"Additionally, any of the labels in a query "
"string can be negated with '~' or '-'. "
"Labels can either be selected with the select"
" box at the top, or a query can be specified,"
" <i>but not both</i>."),
contacts = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
help_text="If this box is empty, go back and create a contact first.",
error_messages={'required': 'You must specify at least one contact.'})
# XXX should probably override is_valid and check for
# truth of (atypes or labels)
# and set field error attributes appropriately.
def clean(self, *args, **kwargs):
cleaned_data = super(TF, self).clean(*args, **kwargs)
# Dict for holding errors. Keys are class members,
# values are lists of error messages
err_dict = defaultdict(list)
# Can't specify a label from the list and a label query
if (cleaned_data['label_query'] and cleaned_data['labels']):
err_msg = ('Cannot specify both labels and label query, '
'choose one or the other.')
# Notifications currently require a label or a pipeline to be
# specified. In the future, we should also allow the cases which
# have only a FAR threshold or a label query
if not (cleaned_data['labels'] or cleaned_data['pipelines']):
err_msg = ('Choose labels and/or pipelines for this '
# Make sure the label query is valid
if cleaned_data['label_query']:
# now try parsing it
except ParseException:
err_dict['label_query'].append('Invalid label query')
# Raise errors, if any
if err_dict:
raise forms.ValidationError(err_dict)
return cleaned_data
def as_table(self, *args, **kwargs):
Overriding default as_table method to put non-field errors
at the top of the table. Allows removal of "flash message box".
# Get non-field errors and remove them from the error list
# to prevent duplicates.
nfe = self.non_field_errors()
self.errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = []
# Generate table HTML and add non-field errors to beginning row
table_data = super(TF, self).as_table(*args, **kwargs)
if nfe:
table_data = '\n<tr><td colspan="2">\n' + \
process_errors(nfe) + '\n</td></tr>\n' + table_data
return mark_safe(table_data)
if postdata is not None:
return TF(postdata)
return TF()
# 11/29/2016 (TP): pretty sure this is deprecated in favor of
# triggerFormFactory; may remove at a later date.
class TriggerForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Trigger
exclude = ['user', 'triggerType']
def process_errors(err):
"""Processes and formats errors in ContactForms."""
out_errs = []
if isinstance(err,ErrorList):
for e in err:
out_errs.append('<p class="error">{0}</p>' \
elif isinstance(err,str):
out_errs.append('<p class="error">{0}</p>' \
return "\n".join(out_errs)
# Adjust labels.
desc = forms.CharField(label='Description', required=True)
call_phone = forms.BooleanField(label='Call', initial=False,
text_phone = forms.BooleanField(label='Text', initial=False,
fields = ['desc','email','phone','call_phone','text_phone']
help_texts = {
'phone': 'Prototype service: may not be available in the future.'
# Custom generator for table format.
def as_table(self):
row_head = '<tr><th><label for="id_{0}">{1}:</label></th>'
row_err = '<td>{2}'
row_input = '<input id="id_{0}" name="{0}" type="{3}" /></td></tr>'
row_str = row_head + row_err + row_input
table_data = {}
# Build table -----------------------------
# Description/email
for field in ['desc','email']:
table_data[field] = row_str.format(field,self[field].label,
# Phone number
table_data['phone'] = (row_head + row_err +
'<input id="id_{0}" name="{0}" type="text" />').format(
# Add call/text checkboxes.
table_data['phone'] += '<br />'

Tanner Prestegard
table_data['phone'] += ('{1}?<input id="id_{0}" name="{0}"'
'type="checkbox" /> '.format('call_phone',

Tanner Prestegard
table_data['phone'] += ('{1}?<input id="id_{0}" name="{0}"'
'type="checkbox" />'.format('text_phone',self['text_phone'].label))

Tanner Prestegard
# Add phone help text.
table_data['phone'] += ('<br /><span class="helptext">{0}</span>'

Tanner Prestegard
# Compile table_data dict into a list.
td = [table_data[k] for k in ['desc','email','phone']]

Tanner Prestegard
# Add non-field errors to beginning.
nfe = self.non_field_errors()

Tanner Prestegard
if nfe:
td.insert(0,'<tr><td colspan="2">' \
+ process_errors(nfe) + '</td></tr>')
return mark_safe('\n'.join(td))