{# Can customize main informational display on home page or just use default #}
{% if information %}
{{ information|safe }}
{% else %}
The gravitational-wave candidate event database (GraceDB) is a service operated by the <ahref="https://www.ligo.org/">LIGO Scientific Collaboration</a>. It provides a centralized location for aggregating and retrieving information about candidate gravitational-wave events. GraceDB provides an <ahref="{% url "legacy_apiweb:default:root"%}">API</a> for programmatic access, and a <ahref="https://ligo-gracedb.readthedocs.io/">client package</a> is available for interacting with the API.
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<li>Information about GW alerts and real-time data products is available in the <ahref="https://emfollow.docs.ligo.org/userguide/">LIGO/Virgo Public Alert Guide</a>.</li>
<li>Found a bug? LIGO/Virgo users can report issues on the GraceDB <ahref="https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/gracedb/issues">Gitlab page</a>.</li>