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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit a996e829 authored by Branson Stephens's avatar Branson Stephens
Browse files

added fileurl method to slot model

parent 0c1ee1d0
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......@@ -246,3 +246,11 @@ class Slot(models.Model):
event = models.ForeignKey(Event)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
value = models.CharField(max_length=100)
# In case the slot value is not a filename, this will just return None.
def fileurl(self):
if self.value:
return reverse('file', args=[self.event.graceid(), self.value])
return None
......@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{MEDIA_URL}}css/labeltips.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
var bb = null;
......@@ -30,13 +31,14 @@
"dojo/domReady!"], function (Editor, Save, Preview, Button) {
"dojo/domReady!"], function (Editor, Save, Preview, Button, TitlePane) {
//var newlogdiv = dojo.byId("newlogdiv");
var logtitle = dojo.byId("logmessagetitle");
var logtext = dojo.byId("newlogtext");
var usertitle = dojo.byId("usermessagetitle");
var editor_div = dojo.byId("editor");
var preview_div = dojo.byId("previewer");
......@@ -44,6 +46,31 @@, { 'display':'none'});, { 'display':'none'});
// The new Log entry button.
// XXX We want to get rid of this eventually.
var button_element = dojo.create('button');, logtitle, "right");
var button = new Button({
label: "Add Log Entry",
state: "add",
onClick: function(){
if (this.state == 'add') {, {'display':'block'});
button.set('label', "Cancel Log Entry");
button.set('state', 'cancel');
else {, {'display':'none'});, {'display':'none'});
button.set('label', "Add Log Entry");
button.set('state', 'add');
}, button_element);
// The user info button.
var button_element = dojo.create('button');, logtitle, "right");
var button = new Button({
......@@ -112,6 +139,148 @@
'insertImage','fullscreen','viewsource','newpage', '|', previewbutton, savebutton]
}, editor_div);
// Following section added for TitlePanes.
// Load the divs containing individual sets of info.
var pane_holder = dojo.byId("pane_holder");
var basic_info = dojo.byId("basic_info");
var neighbors = dojo.byId("neighbors");
var sky_loc = dojo.byId("sky_loc");
var sngl_inspiral = dojo.byId("sngl_inspiral");
var strain_data = dojo.byId("strain_data");
var noise_curves = dojo.byId("noise_curves");
var tf_plots = dojo.byId("tf_plots");
var additional_plots = dojo.byId("additional_plots");
var cal_info = dojo.byId("cal_info");
var event_log = dojo.byId("event_log");
// This dictionary object will determine the order in which the
// panes are displayed.
var paneDict = {
BAS: {
sourceNode: basic_info,
paneTitle: 'Event Basic Info',
openOnLoad: true,
nonEmpty: true
// SNG: {
// sourceNode: sngl_inspiral,
// paneTitle: 'Individual Detector Info',
// openOnLoad: false,
// nonEmpty: false,
// },
NEI: {
sourceNode: neighbors,
paneTitle: 'Neighbors',
openOnLoad: false,
{% if nearby %}
nonEmpty: true
{% else %}
nonEmpty: false
{% endif %}
SKY: {
sourceNode: sky_loc,
paneTitle: 'Sky Location',
openOnLoad: false,
{% if object|slot:'^sky' %}
nonEmpty: true
{% else %}
nonEmpty: false
{% endif %}
STR: {
sourceNode: strain_data,
paneTitle: 'Strain Data',
openOnLoad: true,
{% if object|slot:'^strain_plot' or object|slot:'^strain_data' %}
nonEmpty: true
{% else %}
nonEmpty: false
{% endif %}
NOI: {
sourceNode: noise_curves,
paneTitle: 'Noise Curves',
openOnLoad: false,
{% if object|slot:'^noise_plot' %}
nonEmpty: true
{% else %}
nonEmpty: false
{% endif %}
TIM: {
sourceNode: tf_plots,
paneTitle: 'Time-Frequency Plots',
openOnLoad: false,
{% if object|slot:'^tfplot' %}
nonEmpty: true
{% else %}
nonEmpty: false
{% endif %}
ADD: {
sourceNode: additional_plots,
paneTitle: 'Additional Plots',
openOnLoad: false,
{% if object|slot:'^misc_plot' %}
nonEmpty: true
{% else %}
nonEmpty: false
{% endif %}
// CAL: {
// sourceNode: cal_info,
// paneTitle: 'Calibration Information',
// openOnLoad: false,
// nonEmpty: false
// },
EVE: {
sourceNode: event_log,
paneTitle: 'Event Log Messages',
openOnLoad: false,
// This guy is always non-empty. Besides, we don't have a slot to check.
nonEmpty: true
// Count how many divs actually contain something interesting.
// Decide how many (and which) panes to open based on that.
var openAllNonEmpty = false;
var numNonEmpty = 0;
for (var key in paneDict) {
var obj = paneDict[key];
if (obj.nonEmpty) { ++numNonEmpty; }
if (numNonEmpty < 4) { openAllNonEmpty = true; }
console.debug("numNonEmpty = %d", numNonEmpty);
console.debug("openAllNonEmpty = %s", openAllNonEmpty);
// Loop over dictionary elements.
// As you can see, the key names aren't that important
// Test variable openAllNonEmpty.
for (var key in paneDict) {
var obj = paneDict[key];
var openSwitch = false;
if (openAllNonEmpty && obj.nonEmpty) {
openSwitch = true;
} else if (obj.nonEmpty) {
openSwitch = obj.openOnLoad;
tp = new dijit.TitlePane({title:obj.paneTitle,
console.debug("appending for key=%s", key);
// Already extracted the content. So now we can destroy the node.
......@@ -151,6 +320,13 @@
padding: 6px;
width: 24px;
.dijitTitlePaneTitle {
font-size: 115%;
font-family: "Century Schoolbook L", Georgia, serif;
font-weight: bold;
{% endblock %}
......@@ -158,8 +334,18 @@
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<!-- XXX Branson. Set width="70%" here -->
<tr><td valign="top">
<!-- The pane_holder div basically spans the whole left side of the table. -->
<div id="pane_holder">
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Basic Event Info -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="basic_info">
{% block basic_info %}
<table class="event">
{% if skyalert_authorized %}
<tr><td colspan="4">
......@@ -207,9 +393,19 @@
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- Here endeth the basic_info div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Neighbors -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="neighbors">
{% block neighbors %}
{% if nearby %}
<!-- <p/>
<h3>Neighbors</h3> -->
<table class="event">
<th valign="top">UID</th>
......@@ -250,6 +446,170 @@
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- End of neighbors div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Individual detector info ? Does Brian extract any of this? -->
<!-- Nope. He doesn't. Might be better to leave this as a user -->
<!-- Log entry -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Skymaps -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="sky_loc">
{% block sky_loc %}
{% if object|slot:'^sky' %} <!-- XXX note that this will break if the skymap is a
fits or something and not a plot.-->
<table> <!-- XXX need width="70%" on all these? -->
{% for slot in object|slot:'^sky' %}
<!-- absolute width here==bad idea? -->
<td> <img src="{{ slot.fileurl }}" width="350"> </td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<!-- No skymaps available. -->
<p> None available. </p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- End of sky_loc div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Strain data -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="strain_data">
{% block strain_data %}
{% if object|slot:'^strain_plot' %}
<!-- Check for strain plots first -->
{% for slot in object|slot:'^strain_plot' %}
<td><img src="{{slot.fileurl}}" width="350"></td>
{% endfor %}
{% if objects|slot:'^strain_data' %}
{% for slot in object|slot:'^strain_data' %}
<td><a href="{{slot.fileurl}}">{{slot.value}}</a></td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<!-- perhaps there are data files even if no plots? -->
{% if objects|slot:'^strain_data' %}
{% for slot in object|slot:'^strain_data' %}
<td><a href="{{slot.fileurl}}">{{slot.value}}</a></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p> None available. </p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- End of strain_data div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Noise Curves -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="noise_curves">
{% block noise_curves %}
{% if object|slot:'^noise_plot' %}
{% for slot in object|slot:'^noise_plot' %}
<td><img src="{{slot.fileurl}}" width="350"></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p> None available. </p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- End of noise_curves div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Time-frequency plots -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="tf_plots">
{% block tf_plots %}
{% if object|slot:'^tfplot' %}
{% for slot in object|slot:'^tfplot' %}
<td><img src="{{slot.fileurl}}" width="350"></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p> None available. </p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- End of tf_plots div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Additional plots -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="additional_plots">
{% block additional_plots %}
{% if object|slot:'^misc_plot' %}
{% for slot in object|slot:'^misc_plot' %}
<td><img src="{{slot.fileurl}}" width="350"></td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p> None available. </p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- End of additional_plots div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Calibration Info -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Use Javascript file API to read in the file and parse it somehow? -->
<div id="cal_info">
{% block cal_info %}
{% if object|slot:'^cal_data' %}
<p> Calibration table not implemented yet. </p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!-- End of additional_plots div. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Event Log Messages -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<div id="event_log">
{% block event_log %}
<h3>Create a new log entry</h3>
<form id="newlog" action="{% url logentry object.graceid "" %}" method="POST">
......@@ -258,9 +618,10 @@
<h3 id="logmessagetitle">Event Log Messages</h3>
<!-- <p/>
<h3 id="logmessagetitle">Event Log Messages</h3> -->
<!-- Empty div here serves as a marker for the button location -->
<div id="logmessagetitle"></div>
<div id="previewer"></div>
<div id="editor"></div>
......@@ -292,28 +653,33 @@
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
</div> <!--End of log messages div-->
</div> <!--Here ends the pane_holder div-->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- Right hand side of table: User-submitted info. -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<td rowspan="2" valign="top">
{% if eventdesc %}
<!-- Subsuming this info into tables. Now redundant. -->
<!-- {% if eventdesc %}
<h3>Event Log File</h3>
{{ eventdesc }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} -->
{% if userdesc %}
{# {% if userdesc %} #}
<!-- <br/> -->
<h3>User Info</h3>
{{ userdesc }}
{% endif %}
<!-- Branson messing around --!>
{% if object|slot:"skymap" %}
<h3>The skymap file name is</h3>
{{ object|slot:"skymap" }}
{% endif %}
{# {% endif %} #}
{% endblock %}
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