- Oct 23, 2019
- Sep 20, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
* Switch from VOEventLib to voevent-parse due to significant string-bytes issues in VOEventLib * Remove bad exception handling in events API for creating a VOEvent * Add parameter checking to events API for creating a VOEvent * Combine VOEvent building code for events and superevents into a single instance which handles both cases
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Remove usage of .keys(), .has_key(), and .iteritems(), and account for the fact that .values() produces an iterator in Python 3.
Duncan Macleod authored
we need to dance between str (unicode) and bytes to talk to hashlib and StringIO at the same time
Duncan Macleod authored
- Aug 21, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Add a pipeline_type field to the Pipeline model. This will facilitate grouping of pipelines into different classes.
- Jul 22, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Jun 26, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Jun 24, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
There are several fields that the user provides to create a VOEvent through the API, which are used in generating the VOEvent file, but are not stored in the database. Let's fix this!!
- Jun 12, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
GroupObjectPermission and data directory cleanup should only happen *after* the event or superevent row is removed from the relevant table.
- May 14, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
A web view has been created which allows EM advocates to disable or enable pipeline submissions. This is to prevent misbehaving pipelines from submitting bad information. The mechanism works by preventing events from being submitted to a given pipeline, not by revoking certificates or removing user account permissions.
- Mar 06, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
New model functionality, better forms and views.
- Jan 09, 2019
Tanner Prestegard authored
Some additional code cleanup, as well.
- Oct 12, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
All calls to event.graceid() -> event.graceid.
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Oct 11, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
Enforce label protection through the API for applying labels, removing labels, and creating events and superevents with labels attached. We also don't allow users to reapply a signoff request label when a signoff status label is already applied (e.g., can't apply ADVREQ when ADVNO already exists).
Tanner Prestegard authored
Add a boolean column called 'protected' to the Label model. Protected labels will not be allowed to be directly applied, but will be applied as a part of another process (like signoffs). We also create a data migration which sets some existing labels as protected (ADV(OK|NO), (H1|L1|V1)(OK|NO))
- Oct 03, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Sep 21, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
Added a 'get_subclass' method to the Event model which is used to get the CoincInspiralEvent, GrbEvent, etc. corresponding to that Event.
Tanner Prestegard authored
Changing signoff form and expose/hide button on the superevent web display to make an AJAX request to the relevant API endpoints. This way, we don't have to maintain separate permissions and views for web resources.
Tanner Prestegard authored
The "full_filename" property for Log objects is now called the "versioned_filename" to improve clarity.
Tanner Prestegard authored
Adding utils to Superevent and Event models for comparing categories and deciding if an Event is the correct category to be part of a superevent.
Tanner Prestegard authored
Models which inherit from AutoIncrementModel can now specify more than one constraint. Needed for superevent categories.
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Added some utilities for handling signoffs for superevents, including alerts, labels, logs, etc.
Tanner Prestegard authored
Allow EMObservation fields ra, dec, raWidth, and decWidth to be blank in forms, resulting in a null database entry.
Tanner Prestegard authored
If a tag's name has some "uncommon" characters in it, like parentheses (or probably others), it will cause errors for the javascript which renders the event pages, since it tries to use the tag name in the element id for the delete button. We now require that tags only use 0-9a-zA-Z_\- in their names. May have to go through and delete some tags which use them.
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
generalizing and abstracting several models in the events app, as well as fixing many field parameters
Tanner Prestegard authored
Need to make sure values are actually numeric types before just passing them to isnan(), since it can't handle them, apparently.
- Sep 11, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
gstlal wants to set eff_distance to nan when they don't have a meaningful value for it. Unfortunately, we can't save that in the database because MySQL numeric types can't deal with nans. So we check for nans in this field and set it to NULL if it is nan, before saving it in the database.