- Sep 21, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
If a tag's name has some "uncommon" characters in it, like parentheses (or probably others), it will cause errors for the javascript which renders the event pages, since it tries to use the tag name in the element id for the delete button. We now require that tags only use 0-9a-zA-Z_\- in their names. May have to go through and delete some tags which use them.
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
generalizing and abstracting several models in the events app, as well as fixing many field parameters
Tanner Prestegard authored
Need to make sure values are actually numeric types before just passing them to isnan(), since it can't handle them, apparently.
- Sep 11, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
gstlal wants to set eff_distance to nan when they don't have a meaningful value for it. Unfortunately, we can't save that in the database because MySQL numeric types can't deal with nans. So we check for nans in this field and set it to NULL if it is nan, before saving it in the database.
- Jul 13, 2018
GraceDB authored
Updated event static file serving to use X-Sendfile with Apache. This is faster, more efficient, and seems to resolve the issue with FITS file downloads from the web browser: https://bugs.ligo.org/redmine/issues/6194
- Jun 28, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
Added requirement that event.search is not None before checking that event.search.name is MDC. Fixes a bug which occurred when a user tried to get an event by specifying 'M1234' when the event was not an MDC event (and didn't have a search associated with it).
- Apr 12, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Mar 04, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
adding optional override to Event delete() method which removes data directory and all associated GroupObjectPermission objects
- Feb 21, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Jan 23, 2018
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Oct 03, 2017
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Sep 19, 2017
- May 25, 2017
Tanner Prestegard authored
adding offline boolean parameter to Event model class and associated code for handling it during event submissions
- Apr 20, 2017
Tanner Prestegard authored
Tanner Prestegard authored
- Mar 01, 2017
- Nov 11, 2016
- Jan 30, 2016
Branson Craig Stephens authored
Localize EMFootprint start times to UTC. Changed event creation time query to assume UTC.
- Jan 06, 2016
Branson Craig Stephens authored
and added these to the event presentation. Also added frequency and fluence to the VOEvent for LIB events.
- Sep 18, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
- Sep 15, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
- Sep 11, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
- Aug 24, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
- auth middleware to add/remove user to/from control room group based on IP. - new model for operator signoffs (event, instrument unique_together) - form to create, edit, and delete the operator signoff object - eventlog messages for changes to signoff objects. - OperatorSignoff serializer and LVAlert message - alert operator of outstanding events on landing page. - new labels and migration - Added logic to create/remove H1OK, H1NO, etc. labels. - Exposing the OperatorSignoff List resource through REST interface (GET only).
- Jul 29, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
Added trigger_id to translator code and serialization. Added trigger_id to GRB event display.
- Jul 08, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
Also added view logic and template for additional fields.
- Jun 30, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
- Using new Model _meta API to get field names. - Added auth migrations from Django.
- Jun 19, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
as well as code to ingest the SimInspiral table and a new template for injection-specific attributes.
- May 20, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
authorized users can update the T90 through the web interface. Also added trigger_duration and translator to populate it for Swift and Fermi events. Fixed trigger_duration/T90 issue.
- May 11, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
Added comment to view logic and form. Added the comment to the EMO display. Moved the EMO display into the log digests section.
- Apr 20, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
EMBB. Also changed presentation to reflect this.
- Mar 12, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored
the REST API in a manner analogous to that of the EventLog objects. Also updated the VOEvent such that IVORNs include an incrementing serial number and the Citations section contains appropriate references to earlier VOEvents.
- Feb 13, 2015
Branson Craig Stephens authored