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Coherence calculation

Arianna Renzini requested to merge arianna.renzini/pygwb:stochmon into master

Adding which calculates average coherences in the baseline. This feature has also been added to the pipeline, and by default the flag calc_coh is True. The coherence spectrum is saved in the psd_csd.npz file and is the result of a simple average over the whole job in the baseline. To change the amount of data averaged over, one can change the t0 and tf passed to the pipe. This is inline with what is being set up using the create_isotropic_workflow script.


  • added coherence module
  • added coherence calculation in baseline and pipeline
  • fixed several bad practices here and there
  • added coherence combination in pygwb_combine - which does not actually rely on the coherences from the pipeline (as they can't really be "combined"), but recalculates the coherence using the psds_csds.npz files. This is really slow, so to be used with caution. Need to set --combine_coherence True otherwise by default it only collects the individual job coherences and stores them in one of the spectral output files (the one that the stat checks then picks up)


  • tests
Edited by Arianna Renzini

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