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Generalizing our SVD bin selection method

Now we can use a different number of SVD bins depending on the trigger value, as well as include a fudge factor for each parameter.

The config file should now have a section like this

svd_bounds_file = "/path/to/gstlal/svd/bounds/file.json"
svd_depth_json = "svd_depth_methods.json"
svd_bin_params = ["mchirp", "eta"]

And an accompanying file svd_depth_methods.json (or whatever we want to call it) should be created. Based off of eyeballing Vinaya's plots, here's an example file that should work as a starting point

  {"bounds": {"mchirp": [0, 3]},
   "fudge_factors": {"mchirp": 0.1,
                     "eta": 0.1},
   "svd_depth": 1},
  {"bounds": {"mchirp": [3, 5]},
   "fudge_factors": {"mchirp": 0.0,
                     "eta": 0.0},
   "svd_depth": 1},
  {"bounds": {"mchirp": [5, 10]},
   "fudge_factors": {"mchirp": 0.0,
                     "eta": 0.0},
   "svd_depth": 1},
  {"bounds": {"mchirp": [10, 30]},
   "fudge_factors": {"mchirp": 0.2,
                     "eta": 0.0},
   "svd_depth": 3},
  {"bounds": {"mchirp": [30, 200]},
   "fudge_factors": {"mchirp": 0.2,
                     "eta": 0.0},
   "svd_depth": 3}

Or for a much simpler case, with a fixed fudge factor and SVD depth

[{"bounds": {},
  "fudge_factors": {"mchirp": 0.2,
                    "eta": 0.1},
  "svd_depth": 1}]
Edited by Daniel Wysocki

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