@@ -30,12 +30,24 @@ Increase the arm cavity Finesse, will change the DARM linewidth, but not the CAR
* Allows for increasing the SRC Finesse, while keeping the overall DARM pole frequency ~400 Hz.
*smaller beam size at the BS & ITM
* Increased coating thermal noise from the ITMs (very small effect)
* harder to lock the single arms during testing
### Arm Cavity g-factor
Make the cavity stable.
* change the Sidles-Sigg effect
* change the PI situation
* Increased coating thermal noise from the TMs
* mode-matching to the SRC ?
### DRMi locking (limited by Arm and SRC finesse)
The SRC is tricky to lock because it has a low finesse (mode hopping, …). The choice of SRC finesse resulted from the (somewhat arbitrary, see <ahref="https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T070303">T070303</a>) choice of a relatively low finesse for the arm cavities, which was designed to aid lock acquisition but may have been overkill.