# This is a template yaml file for the test image
# The python version should be added before creating the env
- conda-forge
- defaults
- matplotlib
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- astropy
- flake8
- anaconda
- coverage
- configargparse
- future
- dill
- black
- pytest-cov
- pytest-requires
- parameterized
- scikit-image
- celerite
- george
- corner
- healpy
- cython
- pytables
- pytorch
- python-lalsimulation
- bilby.cython
- pyseobnr
- ligo-gracedb
- gwpy
- ligo.skymap
- sphinx
- numpydoc
- nbsphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- sphinx-tabs
- dynesty
- emcee
- nestle
- ptemcee
- pymultinest
- ultranest
- cpnest
- kombine
- dnest4
- zeus-mcmc
- pytorch
- pymc>=5.9
- nessai
- ptmcmcsampler
- jaxlib>=0.4
- jax>=0.4
- numba>0.53.1
- make
- pre-commit
- pandoc
- ipython
- jupyter
- nbconvert
- twine