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Cleanup state and dq channel setup

Making an MR for a few reworks, following the last couple of commits to spiir_compatibility_fixes.

It's largely tested here: lscsoft/spiir!197 (merged), though I've done a couple extra tests with frame segments, and they're currently broken. The next commit will fix that (the test seems ok, just the gstreamer graph looked disconnected, I guess the file was output before data started flowing).

Otherwise, this change just rearranges some setup code, and makes sure that frame segments and state/dq channels are mutually exclusive (I believe both serve the same purpose). The FrameXMIT branch assumes that state and dq channels are always supplied, I it assumes that the defaults are a viable fallback.

The previous couple of commits to spiir_compatibility_fixes did some extra reworks to support state and dq channels for frames.

Edited by Timothy Davies

Merge request reports