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Update match_injections with user specified end_time column

Daniel Tang requested to merge feature/end_time_col_arg into dev

This PR enables the user to specify the end_time and end_time_ns column names from the zerolags and injections dataframes respectively in the spiir.analysis.zerolags.match_injections function.

The default column has also been changed to the end_time as detected at the reference frame of the Hanford interferometer, rather then the geocent_time. The IFO specific end_times are much more accurate than geocent_time or end_time (pivotal_ifo), and H1 is generally our most confident IFO. In the future, we may want to change this end_time matching calculation to use a more intelligent combination or H1/L1/V1 etc, or perhaps SPIIR's geocent time calculation improves so that we match on geocent time.

Note that we also change the name of the function to be a bit more accurate - we already have this function inside the zerolags module, so zerolags.match_coincident_zerolags is less informative than zerolags.match_injections. For this reason we changed the function name, and placed a warning message for the old function name so that we don't break users' code without warning. In a future PR, we can simply remove the old function.

Edited by Daniel Tang

Merge request reports