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Fix legacy postcoh compatibility

Timothy Davies requested to merge tdv-fix-legacy-compat into dev

In !35 (merged) I moved

    if legacy_postcoh_compat:
        xmldoc = postcoh.rename_legacy_postcoh_columns(xmldoc)
        xmldoc = postcoh.include_missing_postcoh_columns(xmldoc, nullable=nullable)
        xmldoc = postcoh.rename_uppercase_params(xmldoc)

    if ilwdchar_compat:
        xmldoc = strip_ilwdchar(xmldoc)

to its own function, but skipped the condition on legacy_postcoh_compat. I didn't think we'd ever Not want to run the legacy postcoh columns, but we do skip it for zerolags tests.

This MR fixes that test (and possibly other uses of the function) by restoring the old logic.

I've rerun the zerolags script and it now runs without crashing.

Merge request reports