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Commit 8eaf237c authored by Gregory Ashton's avatar Gregory Ashton
Browse files

Merge branch 'polychord' into 'master'


See merge request !264
parents c28dcc14 e2137264
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
## Unreleased
### Added
- Added the PolyChord sampler, which can be accessed by using `sampler='pypolychord'` in `run_sampler`
- `emcee` now writes all progress to disk and can resume from a previous run.
### Changed
......@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ name = "pypi"
future = "*"
corner = "*"
numpy = ">=1.9"
numpy = "==1.15.2"
ligotimegps = "<=1.2.3"
matplotlib = "<3"
scipy = ">=0.16"
pandas = "*"
deepdish = "*"
pandas = "==0.23.0"
deepdish = "==0.3.6"
mock = "*"
astropy = "<3"
gwpy = "*"
......@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ emcee = "*"
nestle = "*"
ptemcee = "*"
pymc3 = "*"
pymultinest = "*"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -157,7 +157,15 @@ class Result(object):
filename = result_file_name(outdir, label)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return cls(**
dictionary =
# Some versions of deepdish/pytables return the dictionanary as
# a dictionary with a kay 'data'
if len(dictionary) == 1 and 'data' in dictionary:
dictionary = dictionary['data']
return cls(**dictionary)
except TypeError as e:
raise IOError("Unable to load dictionary, error={}".format(e))
raise IOError("No result '{}' found".format(filename))
......@@ -11,20 +11,21 @@ from .cpnest import Cpnest
from .dynesty import Dynesty
from .emcee import Emcee
from .nestle import Nestle
from .polychord import PyPolyChord
from .ptemcee import Ptemcee
from .ptmcmc import PTMCMCSampler
from .pymc3 import Pymc3
from .pymultinest import Pymultinest
implemented_samplers = {
'cpnest': Cpnest, 'dynesty': Dynesty, 'emcee': Emcee, 'nestle': Nestle,
'ptemcee': Ptemcee,'ptmcmcsampler' : PTMCMCSampler,
'pymc3': Pymc3, 'pymultinest': Pymultinest }
'pymc3': Pymc3, 'pymultinest': Pymultinest, 'pypolychord': PyPolyChord }
if command_line_args.sampler_help:
sampler = command_line_args.sampler_help
if sampler in implemented_samplers:
sampler_class = implemented_samplers[sampler]
sampler_class = IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS[sampler]
print('Help for sampler "{}":'.format(sampler))
......@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ if command_line_args.sampler_help:
'the name of the sampler')
print('Requested sampler {} not implemented'.format(sampler))
print('Available samplers = {}'.format(implemented_samplers))
print('Available samplers = {}'.format(IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS))
......@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
if command_line_args.clean:
kwargs['resume'] = False
from . import implemented_samplers
if priors is None:
priors = dict()
......@@ -128,15 +129,15 @@ def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
if isinstance(sampler, Sampler):
elif isinstance(sampler, str):
if sampler.lower() in implemented_samplers:
sampler_class = implemented_samplers[sampler.lower()]
if sampler.lower() in IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS:
sampler_class = IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS[sampler.lower()]
sampler = sampler_class(
likelihood, priors=priors, outdir=outdir, label=label,
injection_parameters=injection_parameters, meta_data=meta_data,
use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot, result_class=result_class,
raise ValueError(
"Sampler {} not yet implemented".format(sampler))
elif inspect.isclass(sampler):
......@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
raise ValueError(
"Provided sampler should be a Sampler object or name of a known "
"sampler: {}.".format(', '.join(implemented_samplers.keys())))
"sampler: {}.".format(', '.join(IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS.keys())))
if sampler.cached_result:
logger.warning("Using cached result")
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from .base_sampler import NestedSampler
class PyPolyChord(NestedSampler):
Bilby wrapper of PyPolyChord
PolyChordLite is available at:
Follow the installation instructions at their github page.
Keyword arguments will be passed into `pypolychord.run_polychord` into the `settings`
argument. See the PolyChord documentation for what all of those mean.
To see what the keyword arguments are for, see the docstring of PyPolyChordSettings
default_kwargs = dict(use_polychord_defaults=False, nlive=None, num_repeats=None,
nprior=-1, do_clustering=True, feedback=1, precision_criterion=0.001,
logzero=-1e30, max_ndead=-1, boost_posterior=0.0, posteriors=True,
equals=True, cluster_posteriors=True, write_resume=True,
write_paramnames=False, read_resume=True, write_stats=True,
write_live=True, write_dead=True, write_prior=True,
compression_factor=np.exp(-1), base_dir='outdir',
file_root='polychord', seed=-1, grade_dims=None, grade_frac=None, nlives={})
def run_sampler(self):
import pypolychord
from pypolychord.settings import PolyChordSettings
if self.kwargs['use_polychord_defaults']:
settings = PolyChordSettings(nDims=self.ndim, nDerived=self.ndim, base_dir=self.outdir,
pc_kwargs = self.kwargs.copy()
pc_kwargs['base_dir'] = self.outdir
pc_kwargs['file_root'] = self.label
settings = PolyChordSettings(nDims=self.ndim, nDerived=self.ndim, **pc_kwargs)
pypolychord.run_polychord(loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood, nDims=self.ndim,
nDerived=self.ndim, settings=settings, prior=self.prior_transform)
self.result.log_evidence, self.result.log_evidence_err = self._read_out_stats_file()
self.result.samples = self._read_sample_file()
return self.result
def _setup_dynamic_defaults(self):
""" Sets up some interdependent default argument if none are given by the user """
if not self.kwargs['grade_dims']:
self.kwargs['grade_dims'] = [self.ndim]
if not self.kwargs['grade_frac']:
self.kwargs['grade_frac'] = [1.0] * len(self.kwargs['grade_dims'])
if not self.kwargs['nlive']:
self.kwargs['nlive'] = self.ndim * 25
if not self.kwargs['num_repeats']:
self.kwargs['num_repeats'] = self.ndim * 5
def _translate_kwargs(self, kwargs):
if 'nlive' not in kwargs:
for equiv in self.npoints_equiv_kwargs:
if equiv in kwargs:
kwargs['nlive'] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
def log_likelihood(self, theta):
""" Overrides the log_likelihood so that PolyChord understands it """
return super(PyPolyChord, self).log_likelihood(theta), theta
def _read_out_stats_file(self):
statsfile = self.outdir + '/' + self.label + '.stats'
with open(statsfile) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('log(Z)'):
line = line.replace('log(Z)', '')
line = line.replace('=', '')
line = line.replace(' ', '')
z = line.split('+/-')
log_z = float(z[0])
log_z_err = float(z[1])
return log_z, log_z_err
def _read_sample_file(self):
sample_file = self.outdir + '/' + self.label + '_equal_weights.txt'
samples = np.loadtxt(sample_file)
return samples[:, -self.ndim:] # extract last ndim columns
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ you would use
is given in the API information below.
Below, we give the detailed API for the samplers. Remember, this API is not
recomended for direct use by the user, rather it should be accessed via the
recommended for direct use by the user, rather it should be accessed via the
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Dynesty
.. autoclass:: bilby.core.sampler.dynesty.Dynesty
......@@ -71,11 +72,19 @@ CPNest
.. autoclass:: bilby.core.sampler.cpnest.Cpnest
.. autoclass:: bilby.core.sampler.pymultinest.Pymultinest
.. autoclass:: bilby.core.sampler.pypolychord.PyPolyChord
MCMC samplers
......@@ -123,6 +132,27 @@ be found in the at the top-level of `the repository
<>`_ (Note: if you installed from pip, you
can simply download that file and use the command above).
Installing PyPolyChord
If you want to use the `PyPolyChord` sampler, you first need the
PolyChord library to be installed to work properly. An image of PolyChord can be found on github.
Clone the following repository onto your system. Navigate to the folder you want to install PolyChord in and run:
.. code-block:: console
$ git clone
Then navigate into the PolyChord directory and install PolyChord/PyPolyChord with
.. code-block:: console
$ make pypolychord MPI=
$ python install --user
Add a number after `MPI=` to compile with `MPI`. Leave it like it is if you don't wish to compile with MPI.
Installing pymultinest
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import unittest
from mock import MagicMock
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import shutil
import copy
......@@ -247,6 +249,53 @@ class TestNestle(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
class TestPolyChord(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.likelihood = MagicMock()
self.priors = dict(a=bilby.prior.Uniform(0, 1))
self.sampler = bilby.core.sampler.PyPolyChord(self.likelihood, self.priors,
outdir='outdir', label='polychord',
use_ratio=False, plot=False,
def tearDown(self):
del self.likelihood
del self.priors
del self.sampler
def test_default_kwargs(self):
expected = dict(use_polychord_defaults=False, nlive=self.sampler.ndim*25, num_repeats=self.sampler.ndim*5,
nprior=-1, do_clustering=True, feedback=1, precision_criterion=0.001,
logzero=-1e30, max_ndead=-1, boost_posterior=0.0, posteriors=True,
equals=True, cluster_posteriors=True, write_resume=True,
write_paramnames=False, read_resume=True, write_stats=True,
write_live=True, write_dead=True, write_prior=True,
compression_factor=np.exp(-1), base_dir='outdir',
file_root='polychord', seed=-1, grade_dims=list([self.sampler.ndim]),
grade_frac=list([1.0]*len([self.sampler.ndim])), nlives={})
self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
def test_translate_kwargs(self):
expected = dict(use_polychord_defaults=False, nlive=123, num_repeats=self.sampler.ndim*5,
nprior=-1, do_clustering=True, feedback=1, precision_criterion=0.001,
logzero=-1e30, max_ndead=-1, boost_posterior=0.0, posteriors=True,
equals=True, cluster_posteriors=True, write_resume=True,
write_paramnames=False, read_resume=True, write_stats=True,
write_live=True, write_dead=True, write_prior=True,
compression_factor=np.exp(-1), base_dir='outdir',
file_root='polychord', seed=-1, grade_dims=list([self.sampler.ndim]),
grade_frac=list([1.0]*len([self.sampler.ndim])), nlives={})
for equiv in bilby.core.sampler.base_sampler.NestedSampler.npoints_equiv_kwargs:
new_kwargs = self.sampler.kwargs.copy()
del new_kwargs['nlive']
new_kwargs[equiv] = 123
self.sampler.kwargs = new_kwargs
self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
class TestPTEmcee(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -397,11 +446,13 @@ class TestRunningSamplers(unittest.TestCase):
self.priors = dict(
m=bilby.core.prior.Uniform(0, 5), c=bilby.core.prior.Uniform(-2, 2))
def tearDown(self):
del self.likelihood
del self.priors
bilby.core.utils.command_line_args.test = False
def test_run_cpnest(self):
_ = bilby.run_sampler(
......@@ -423,6 +474,11 @@ class TestRunningSamplers(unittest.TestCase):
likelihood=self.likelihood, priors=self.priors, sampler='nestle',
nlive=100, save=False)
def test_run_pypolychord(self):
_ = bilby.run_sampler(
likelihood=self.likelihood, priors=self.priors,
sampler='pypolychord', nlive=100, save=False)
def test_run_ptemcee(self):
_ = bilby.run_sampler(
likelihood=self.likelihood, priors=self.priors, sampler='ptemcee',
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