@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@ Changes currently on master, but not under a tag.
- Clean up of `detectors.py`: adds an `InterferometerStrainData` to handle strain data and `InterferometerSet` to handle multiple interferometers. All data setting should primarily be done through the `Interferometer.set_strain_data..` methods.
- Fix the comments and units of `nfft` and `infft` and general improvement to documentation of data.
- Fixed a bug in create_time_series
- Enable marginalisation over calibration uncertainty in Inteferemeter data.
- Fixed the normalisation of the marginalised `GravtitationalWaveTransient` likelihood.
- Fixed a bug in the detector response.
- Specifying detectors by name from the default command line options has been removed.
- The prior on polarisation phase has been reduced to [0, pi].
- More prior distributions added.
- More samplers supported, pymc3
- More core likelihoods, Poisson, Student's-t
- Add support for eccentric BBH
- Result print function fixed
- Add snr functions as methods of `Interferometer`