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First step in generating full API python binding

Rhys Poulton requested to merge rhys.poulton/Fr:add_python_binding into master

A full API binding can now be created using ctypesgen and install the binding into the python site-packages directory

To maintain compatibility the functions present in the current binding (frgetvect, frgetvect1d, frputvect, frgetevent) have all been replicated in a pure python version.

This merge request also includes a change in src/CMakelists.txt, that changes the order of the header files so things defined in FrameL.h are present for the include of the other header files (e.g. FrVect.h). It also adds CMake variables used to point to the location of headers/ library.

A minor change in src/FrameL.h is also required, since ctypegen cannot parse the line where the variable is the same as the definition e.g.

FrameH *FrameH

so this has been changed to:

FrameH *frameH

Merge request reports
