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RCG: fix out of order calculations, add order check

Two out-of-order bugs are fixed. Closes #325 (closed).

  1. Ordering simply counts how many inputs of a part of visited. When that number matches the total inputs for the part, the part is visited, but inside a subystem, delays were counted twice. Once on the initial pass looking for signal sources, and again as a normal part.

Parts that took input directly from delays could appear early in the sequence.

This change skips following links form delays as a normal part.

  1. If a data source, including subsystem inputs, constants, delays, grounds were connected directly to a subsystem output, then parts immediately connected from the output would be added to the subsystem sequence, though they were at a higher level.

This bug could cause these parts to be sequenced out of order.

Change is to check whether a part leading form a data source is in the subsystem. This check is already included when following from normal (non-input) parts.

Test of calculation order that compares tree dump to sequence dump added to RCG. Default behavior is to abort compilation if out of order calculation is detected.

Edited by Erik von Reis

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