p.add_option("","--prior",help="Specify a mass model h5 file that is the base for the comparison")
p.add_option("","--post",help="Specify a mass model h5 file that is compared against the base version.")
p.add_option("","--title",default="PostOverPrior",help="Specify title of the plot. Default is PostOverPrior.")
p.add_option("","--title",help="Specify title of the plot. Required if --compare or --mass-model-investigation.")
p.add_option("","--compare",action="store_true",help="Plot comparison between two mass models assuming that the two mass models are generated from the same bank. --prior, --post, --title are required.")
p.add_option("","--snr",type="float",default=10,help="Specify SNR. Default is 10.")
p.add_option("","--mass-model-investigation",action="store_true",help="Find the population model values for a given template id. --template-id, --title are required.")
p.add_option("","--template-id",type="int",default=None,help="Required for --mass-model-investigation. Provide Gamma0 from the coinc file.")