Adding a new pipeline or search
Sometimes, users will request that a new Pipeline
be added. Creating
the pipeline object itself is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out
what kind of data file the group will be uploading, and how to ingest the values.
The directions below will focus on the easiest possible case--in which the
new pipeline's data files have the same format and information as those
of an existing pipeline. (For example, the gstlal-spiir
group uploads
the same type of data file as the gstlal
group, and this made adding the
pipeline relatively easy.)
Adding a new Search
is simpler, but the steps relating to LVAlert are similar.
The following suggests performing the necessary database operations in the django console (i.e., a Python interpreter running with the correct environment). These operations could also be done in the web-based django admin interface. However, I never use it myself, so that's not the method I'll show in this documentation. One could also issue raw SQL commands if preferred.
The database operations here could also be done with 'data migrations'. This leaves more of a paper trail, and as such might be considered 'the right thing to do.' However, it seems like overkill for relatively small tasks like this.
GraceDB server side steps
First, create the new pipeline object. Since the only field in the Pipeline model
is the name, it's pretty simple. Suppose we are creating a new pipeline called
. We fire up the Django console:
cd /home/gracedb
./ shell
Now we create the pipeline object itself:
from gracedb.models import Pipeline
newpipeline = Pipeline.objects.create(name='newpipeline')
Now that the pipeline exists, one or more users will need to be given
permission to populate the pipeline (i.e., to create new events for that
pipeline). For more info on permissions, see :ref:`managing_user_permissions`.
By default, all internal users will have permission to create Test
events for our new pipeline, but only specific users will be allowed to create
events. Let's suppose we want to give access to a human user
(Albert Einstein) and a robotic user (newpipeline_robot
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Permission
from guardian.models import UserObjectPermission
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
# Retrieve the objects we will need
p = Permission.objects.get(codename='populate_pipeline')
ctype = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='gracedb', model='pipeline')
einstein = User.objects.get(username='albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG')
robot = User.objects.get(username='newpipeline_robot')
# Create the new permission
UserObjectPermission.objects.create(user=einstein, permission=p,
UserObjectPermission.objects.create(user=robot, permission=p,
The next step is to figure out how events from the
new pipeline will be represented in the database. If the base Event
is is sufficient, or if one of the existing subclasses can be used, then
no new database tables will be needed. However, if the events coming from the
pipeline has new attributes, then a new event subclass will be needed to
adequately represent it. If the latter, see :ref:`new_event_subclass`.
For now, let's assume that the attributes of the new pipeline match up
exactly with those of an existing pipeline, and that the data file can be
parsed in the same way. Then all we need to do is to edit the utility function
in gracedb/
so that our
new pipeline's name appears in the correct list, resulting in the correct
event class being created. For example, if the events
of the new pipeline match up with those from Fermi, then we can add it to
the same list as Fermi, Swift, and SNEWS.
Next, edit the function handle_uploaded_data
in gracedb/
so that, when an event is created for our new pipeline, the data file is
parsed in the correct way. This function is basically just a huge if
statement on the pipeline name. So if we want the data file to be parsed
in the same way as the files for Fermi and Swift, we would just add the name
of our new pipeline next to Fermi and Swift in the control structure.
Steps for LVAlert
When a new pipeline is created, the corresponding LVAlert nodes need to be
created. Let's suppose our new pipeline is associated with the Burst
group. That means we will need at least two new LVAlert nodes:
If the relevant group (in this case, the burst group) wants to specify one
or more Search
values for their event, then these nodes need to be
created as well:
where the names of the searches are search1
and search2
. I typically
use a script such as the one below to create the nodes and add the gracedb
user as a publisher:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import time
nodes = [
servers = [
for server in servers:
for node in nodes:
print "creating node %s for server %s ..." % (node, server)
cmd = 'lvalert_admin -c {0} -d -q {1}'.format(server, node)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
out, err = p.communicate()
if err:
print "Error for node %s: %s" % (node, error)
# add gracedb as publisher
# Also serves as a check to whether the node exists if not creating
print "adding gracedb as publisher to node %s for server %s ..." % (node, server)
cmd = 'lvalert_admin -c {0} -j gracedb -q {1}'.format(server, node)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
out, err = p.communicate()
if err:
print "Error for node %s: %s" % (node, error)
Note that you must have your .netrc
file set up as described here for this to work automatically.