<li>Enter a FAR threshold if you want to only receive alerts about events more significant than the threshold. Leave blank to receive all events, regardless of FAR.</li>
<li>Select a label (or labels) or enter a label query to receive alerts when a specific label or set of labels is applied to an event. Don't select any labels to receive alerts when events are created.</li>
<li>To set up a notification based only on FAR, select a contact, select all pipelines, enter a FAR threshold, and do not select any labels or enter a label query.</li>
<li>You may select multiple contacts, pipelines, and/or labels by holding SHIFT and clicking, or by using CTRL + A to select all.</li>
<li>You may select multiple contacts, pipelines, and/or labels by holding CTRL and clicking, or by using CTRL + A to select all.</li>