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Commit c9ab1a24 authored by Brian Moe's avatar Brian Moe
Browse files

Removed dependency on ligo.gracedb.utils.*

parent 1b03d8b4
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from math import log
from time import gmtime, strftime
from pylal import Fr
from glue.lal import LIGOTimeGPS
from glue.ligolw import ligolw
from glue.ligolw import table
from glue.ligolw import lsctables
# useful variables
#Need these for each search: inspiral, burst, etc.
InspiralCoincDef = lsctables.CoincDef(search = u"inspiral", \
search_coinc_type = 0, \
description = \
u"sngl_inspiral<-->sngl_inspiral coincidences")
#these should work for both Omega and CWB
BurstCoincDef = lsctables.CoincDef(search = u"burst", \
search_coinc_type = 0, \
description = \
u"coherent burst coincidences")
#list of detectors participating in the coinc
#MBTA only sends triples to gracedb at the time being so this list is
#simply for convenience. burst and future inspiral searches should
#construct this list on the fly
H1L1V1_detlist = ['H1', 'L1', 'V1']
H1L1_detlist = ['H1', 'L1']
H1V1_detlist = ['H1', 'V1']
L1V1_detlist = ['L1', 'V1']
H1_detlist = ['H1']
L1_detlist = ['L1']
V1_detlist = ['V1']
#this is the subset of SnglInspiralTable.validcolumn.keys() that
#are assigned from MBTA coinc triggers
MBTA_set_keys = ['ifo', 'search', 'end_time', 'end_time_ns', 'mass1', 'mass2',\
'mchirp', 'mtotal', 'eta', 'snr', 'eff_distance', 'event_id',\
'process_id', 'channel']
Omega_set_keys = ['process_id', 'ifos', 'start_time', 'start_time_ns',\
'duration', 'confidence', 'coinc_event_id']
CWB_set_keys = ['process_id', 'ifos', 'start_time', 'start_time_ns',\
#this dictionary is the simplest way to assign event_id's
#collisions are are taken care of in the process of conversion to sqlite
insp_event_id_dict = {'H1': 'sngl_inspiral:event_id:0',\
'L1': 'sngl_inspiral:event_id:1',\
'V1': 'sngl_inspiral:event_id:2'}
#this one is designed for coherent searches, which don't have event_ids
coherent_event_id_dict = None
#the names of the variables we're going to get from omega
omega_vars = ['time', 'frequency', 'duration', 'bandwidth', 'modeTheta',\
'modePhi', 'probSignal', 'probGlitch', 'logSignal','logGlitch',\
'network', 'URL_web', 'URL_file']
# convenience functions
def compute_mchirp_eta(m1,m2):
compute and return mchirp and eta for a given pair of masses
mtot = m1 + m2
mu = m1*m2/mtot
eta = mu/mtot
mchirp = pow(eta,3.0/5.0)*mtot
return float(mchirp), float(eta)
def write_output_files(root_dir, xmldoc, log_content, \
xml_fname = 'coinc.xml', log_fname = 'event.log'):
write the xml-format coinc tables and log file
f = open(root_dir+'/'+xml_fname,'w')
f = open(root_dir+'/'+log_fname,'w')
def get_ifos_for_cwb(cwb_ifos):
get human-readable things from CWB detector labels
ifos = []
for i in cwb_ifos:
if i == '1': ifos.append('L1')
if i == '2' : ifos.append('H1')
if i == '3' : ifos.append('H2')
if i == '4' : ifos.append('G1')
if i == '5' : ifos.append('T1')
if i == '6' : ifos.append('V1')
if i == '7' : ifos.append('A1')
return ifos
# table populators
def populate_inspiral_tables(MBTA_frame, set_keys = MBTA_set_keys, \
event_id_dict = insp_event_id_dict):
create xml file and populate the SnglInspiral and CoincInspiral tables from a
coinc .gwf file from MBTA
xmldoc: xml file to append the tables to
MBTA_frame: frame file to get info about triggers from
set_keys: columns in the SnglInspiral Table to set
process_id: process_id
event_id_dict: {ifo:event_id} dictionary to assign event_id's
coinc_event_id: coinc_event_id
detectors: detectors participating in the coinc
returns xmldoc and contents of the comment field
#initialize xml document
xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
#dictionaries to store about individual triggers
end_time = {}
snr = {}
mass1 = {}
mass2 = {}
Deff = {}
mchirp = {}
eta = {}
#extract the information from the frame file
events = Fr.frgetevent(MBTA_frame)
#get the ifos from the event name
for event in events:
if 'MbtaHLV' in event['name']:
detectors = H1L1V1_detlist
elif 'MbtaHL' in event['name']:
detectors = H1L1_detlist
elif 'MbtaHV' in event['name']:
detectors = H1V1_detlist
elif 'MbtaH' in event['name']:
detectors = H1_detlist
elif 'MbtaLV' in event['name']:
detectors = L1V1_detlist
elif 'MbtaL' in event['name']:
detectors = L1_detlist
elif 'MbtaV' in event['name']:
detectors = V1_detlist
raise ValueError, "Invalid FrEvent name"
log_data = event['comment'] + '\n'
far = 1/(float(event['IFAR_year'])*365.0*24*60*60)
except KeyError:
far = None
for ifo in detectors:
end_time[ifo] = LIGOTimeGPS(event[ifo+':end_time'])
snr[ifo] = float(event[ifo+':SNR'])
mass1[ifo] = float(event[ifo+':mass1'])
mass2[ifo] = float(event[ifo+':mass2'])
mchirp[ifo], eta[ifo] = compute_mchirp_eta(mass1[ifo],mass2[ifo])
Deff[ifo] = float(event[ifo+':eff_distance'])
#fill the SnglInspiralTable
sin_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable)
process_id = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_next_id()
for ifo in detectors:
row = sin_table.RowType()
row.ifo = ifo = 'MBTA'
row.end_time = end_time[ifo].seconds
row.end_time_ns = end_time[ifo].nanoseconds
row.mass1 = mass1[ifo]
row.mass2 = mass2[ifo]
row.mchirp = mchirp[ifo]
row.mtotal = mass1[ifo] + mass2[ifo]
row.eta = eta[ifo]
row.snr = snr[ifo]
row.eff_distance = Deff[ifo]
row.event_id = event_id_dict[ifo]
row.process_id = process_id = ''
#zero out the rest of the columns
#should work in chi2 and chi2cut
for key in sin_table.validcolumns.keys():
if key not in set_keys:
#using the conventions found in:
temp_data_loc = None
if len(detectors) < 2:
return xmldoc, log_data, temp_data_loc
#coinc_event_id = coinc_event_id_base + str(UID)
#this next line is to guard against future violence to the table definitions
cintcols = ['coinc_event_id','ifos','end_time','end_time_ns','mass','mchirp','snr','false_alarm_rate','combined_far']
cin_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincInspiralTable,columns=cintcols)
row = cin_table.RowType()
cid = lsctables.CoincTable.get_next_id()
row.coinc_event_id = cid
row.end_time = end_time['H1'].seconds
row.end_time_ns = end_time['H1'].nanoseconds
row.mass = (sum(mass1.values()) + sum(mass2.values()))/3
row.mchirp = sum(mchirp.values())/3
#the snr here is really the snr NOT effective snr
row.snr = pow(sum([x*x for x in snr.values()]),0.5)
if far is not None:
#far is triggers in Hz
row.combined_far = float(far)
row.combined_far = None
row.false_alarm_rate = None
xmldoc = populate_coinc_tables(xmldoc,cid,insp_event_id_dict,\
return xmldoc, log_data, temp_data_loc
def populate_omega_tables(datafile, set_keys = Omega_set_keys):
#initialize xml document
xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
#extract the data from the intial Omega file
f = open(datafile, 'r')
omega_list = []
for line in f.readlines():
if not line.strip(): continue # ignore blank lines
elif '#' in line.strip()[0]: continue # ignore comments
elif '=' not in line: raise ValueError, "Improperly formatted line"
omega_list.extend([dat.strip() for dat in line.split('=',1)])
omega_data = dict(zip(omega_list[::2],omega_list[1::2]))
# basic error checking
# for key in omega_data:
# if not (key in omega_vars):
# raise ValueError, "Unknown variable"
#create the content for the event.log file
log_data = '\nLog File created '\
+strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())\
for var in omega_vars:
log_data += var + ': ' + omega_data[var] + '\n'
#pull out the ifos
detectors = [ifo for ifo in omega_data['network'].split(',')]
#fill the MutliBurstTable
mb_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.MultiBurstTable)
row = mb_table.RowType()
row.process_id = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_next_id()
st = LIGOTimeGPS(omega_data['time'])
row.start_time = st.seconds
row.start_time_ns = st.nanoseconds
row.duration = None
row.confidence = -log(float(omega_data['probGlitch']))
cid = lsctables.CoincTable.get_next_id()
row.coinc_event_id = cid
for key in mb_table.validcolumns.keys():
if key not in set_keys:
xmldoc = populate_coinc_tables(xmldoc,cid, coherent_event_id_dict,\
BurstCoincDef, detectors)
return xmldoc, log_data, omega_data['URL_file']
def populate_cwb_tables(datafile, set_keys=CWB_set_keys):
#initialize xml document
xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
#extract the data from the file
f = open(datafile,'r')
cwb_list = []
for line in f.readlines():
if not line.strip(): continue #ignore blanks
elif '#' in line.strip()[0]: continue #skip comments
elif 'H1:' in line.strip() or 'L1:' in line.strip() or 'V1:' in line.strip(): continue #skip DQ stuff
elif ':' in line.strip(): cwb_list.extend([dat.strip() for dat in line.split(':',1)])
cwb_data = dict(zip(cwb_list[::2],cwb_list[1::2]))
#create the content for the event.log file
log_data = '\nLog File created '\
+strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())\
detectors = get_ifos_for_cwb(cwb_data['ifo'].split())
for var in cwb_data:
log_data += var + ': ' + cwb_data[var] + '\n'
#fill the MutliBurstTable
mb_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.MultiBurstTable)
row = mb_table.RowType()
row.process_id = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_next_id()
st = LIGOTimeGPS(cwb_data['start'][0])
row.start_time = st.seconds
row.start_time_ns = st.nanoseconds
cid = lsctables.CoincTable.get_next_id()
row.coinc_event_id = cid
for key in mb_table.validcolumns.keys():
if key not in set_keys:
xmldoc = populate_coinc_tables(xmldoc,cid, coherent_event_id_dict,\
BurstCoincDef, detectors)
return xmldoc, log_data, None
def populate_coinc_tables(xmldoc, coinc_event_id, event_id_dict,\
CoincDef, detectors, \
time_slide_id = None, likelihood = None):
populate a set of coinc tables
xmldoc: xml file to append the tables to
CoincDef: pre-initialized CoincDef table row
detectors: detectors participating in the coinc
#make sure there's actually a coinc there to write
if len(detectors) < 2:
return xmldoc
coinc_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincTable)
row = coinc_table.RowType()
row.process_id = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_next_id()
row.coinc_event_id = coinc_event_id
coinc_def_id = lsctables.CoincDefTable.get_next_id()
row.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id
row.time_slide_id = time_slide_id
if 'inspiral' in
row.nevents = len(detectors)
elif 'burst' in
row.nevents = 1
raise ValueError, "Unrecognize"
row.likelihood = likelihood
coinc_map_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincMapTable)
for ifo in detectors:
row = coinc_map_table.RowType()
row.coinc_event_id = coinc_event_id
if 'inspiral' in
row.table_name = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName.split(':')[0]
elif 'burst' in
row.table_name = lsctables.MultiBurstTable.tableName.split(':')[0]
raise ValueError, "Unrecognize"
if event_id_dict:
row.event_id = event_id_dict[ifo]
if not event_id_dict:
row.event_id = coinc_event_id
coinc_def_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincDefTable)
row = coinc_def_table.RowType()
row.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id =
row.search_coinc_type = CoincDef.search_coinc_type
row.description = CoincDef.description
return xmldoc
# usage example
#here's how it works for inspirals
#populate the tables
#xmldoc, log_data, temp_data_loc = populate_inspiral_tables("MbtaFake-930909680-16.gwf")
#write the output
#write_output_files('.', xmldoc, log_data)
#here's how it works for bursts
#xmldoc, log_data, temp_data_loc = populate_burst_tables("")
#write_output_files('.', final_xmldoc, log_data)
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from models import EventLog
import glue
import glue.ligolw.utils
from ligo.gracedb.utils import populate_inspiral_tables, \
from gracedb.serialize.utils import populate_inspiral_tables, \
populate_omega_tables, \
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