- Mar 03, 2019
Chad Hanna authored
- Mar 02, 2019
Daichi Tsuna authored
Still segfaults in the middle....
- Mar 01, 2019
Patrick Godwin authored
Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online: rearrange where condor commands are located, add requirement to not land on specific node at LLO
Alexander Pace authored
Packaging updates for gstlal-inspiral-1.6.1. Note: configure gstlal-inspiral with --disable-massmodel to prevent the 1.1GB file from being distributed with 'make dist'.
Cody Messick authored
inspiral.py: Enforce that appended zeros in subthreshold trigger generation have same dtype as snr time series
Patrick Godwin authored
Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online: remove conditional for dag as it is not needed, update with influx backend for monitor jobs
Patrick Godwin authored
Patrick Godwin authored
gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe: format output channel list in format that feature extraction jobs can read, add option to disable agg jobs
Patrick Godwin authored
Cody Messick authored
interpolator: fix bug where interpolator was pushing out nongap buffers when it received gap buffers (chads patch)
- Feb 28, 2019
Chad Hanna authored
gstlla_inspiral: Allow online style ranking and far estimation in an offline mode. Stability isn't nearly so spectacular as instability
- Feb 27, 2019
Cody Messick authored
Cody Messick authored
gstlal_ll_inspiral_pipe: Change name of zookeeper and kafka jobs so they no longer contain ".", which condor hates
Cody Messick authored
Cody Messick authored
lloidhandler: Fixed bug that caused eye candy to not update during times without science-quality data
- Feb 26, 2019
Cody Messick authored
Updated lvalert plotting code to use glue instead of ligo.lw, because gracedb files follow ilwd convention
Cody Messick authored
chad.hanna authored
chad.hanna authored
Kipp Cannon authored
- more fixes for integer IDs, and some performance improvements
Kipp Cannon authored
- Feb 25, 2019
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
Alexander Pace authored
Chad Hanna authored
Chad Hanna authored
Chad Hanna authored
Chad Hanna authored
gstlal_bank.xml.gz: I am deleting this. I don't know where it came from but it has the the wrong number of templates (it isn't the hyperbank) ligolw_print -t sngl_inspiral gstlal_bank.xml.gz | wc = 654261 which is not 677,000
Cody Messick authored
Cody Messick authored
"*1_snr", matching what was done pre-itacac inspiral.py: Create sub-threshold trigger to add to gracedb uploads if we have snr from an instrument that didn't produce a trigger above peak coincident with the candidate in question. Also, only upload one snr time series per trigger (including the sub-threshold trigger), not an snr time series for each ifo for each trigger. After this patch, gracedb uploads should look almost identical to what they were before switching to itacac
Chad Hanna authored
Kipp Cannon authored
- this patch fixes ID reconstruction but doesn't get the column names quite right. they're close to being correct, and there is a bug in glue that makes it inconvenient to get them any closer, so we'll give this a try and see if downstream consumer codes care. note that ligolw_no_ilwdchar does *not* care: with this patch, file --> ilwdify --> ligolw_no_ilwdchar --> file is now an identity transformation. also note that glue's normal document parsing logic does not care: ligolw_print is happy with the result of this transformation. it's not impossible, however, that somebody has written some custom code that adds additional safety checks and will notice the column names.
- Feb 24, 2019
Kipp Cannon authored
- don't use InterningRowBuilder
Daichi Tsuna authored
currently compiles but segfaults in the middle...
- Feb 23, 2019
Patrick Godwin authored
Patrick Godwin authored
Aaron Viets authored
Aaron Viets authored