Maintenance will be performed on,, and on Tuesday 24 March 2025 starting at approximately 8:30am PDT. It is expected to take around 30 minutes and there will be several periods of downtime throughout the maintenance. Please address any comments, concerns, or questions to the helpdesk.
When these merge requests are accepted, this issue will be closed automatically.
changed milestone to %O4
assigned to @cody.messick
I think this is occurring pretty frequently.
This download call from the an MBTA event says
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error:
Not Found for url:
This is another MBTA event: for which this download call says
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error:
Not Found for url:
So there are two issues: the upper/lower case issue which is easily solved, but then the attempt to download a pycbc.p_astro.json is a bug.
mentioned in merge request !1045 (merged)
I digged further into this and it happens when the final preferred event, during clean up, has a different pipeline compared to the preferred event pipeline in the first preliminary alert. There is a bug in !1012 (merged). I have a patch !1045 (merged). The situation will not be caught by first2year MDC since all of them have pipeline = gstlal.
closed with commit 93933928
closed with merge request !1045 (merged)