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This repo contains zero models of some important circuit boards which can be imported for calculations and/or do modifications. Each directory would be one such circuit representation.
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This houses the LIGO Data Format compliant, pre generated waveforms that can be used with the pythonic version of xpipeline.
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This repo will be used for writing (thesis/candidacy/reports) or presentations (conference/thesis/candidacy).
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Working version of BLRMS code that will tell how the noise in a given LIGO channel changes with time, in a given frequency range.
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A python package to contain tools and methods to perform checks and reviews of waveform models
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Implement marginalisation over waveform uncertainties in NRSurrogates
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Develop simple tests for checking conventions on different waveform models and catalog of NR simulations.
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Vitamin is a rapid parameter estimation pipeline for CBC signals, using CVAEs to generate Bayesian posteriors