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Commit 879a1010 authored by Jameson Graef Rollins's avatar Jameson Graef Rollins
Browse files

move suspension mechanical functions into separate module

move this out of noise package, since it's not actually directly a noise
calculation.  no functional change.
parent 5a688472
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......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from numpy import log10, pi, sqrt
import logging
from .precomp import precompIFO
from . import suspension
from . import noise
from . import plot
......@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ def noise_calc(ifo, f):
# this needs to be done here, instead of in precompIFO, because it
# requires the frequency vector
fname = eval('noise.suspensionthermal.susp{}'.format(ifo.Suspension.Type))
fname = eval('suspension.susp{}'.format(ifo.Suspension.Type))
hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable = fname(f, ifo)
# if the suspension code supports different temps for the stages
from __future__ import division, print_function
from numpy import pi, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, real, imag, zeros
from __future__ import division
from numpy import pi, imag, zeros
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from import mat_struct
def suspR(f, ifo):
......@@ -73,643 +72,3 @@ def suspR(f, ifo):
return np.squeeze(noise)
def suspBQuad(f, ifo):
"""Suspension for next gen quadruple pendulum
Violin modes included
Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
------------ for GWINC - DEV
*** NOW USING Silicon blades and fibers ---
1) vertical bounce mode of the blade/fiber ~4.1 Hz
2) smaller dissipation depth than SiO2 (c.f. Nawrodt (2010))
3) phi_Si = 2e-9
f = frequency vector
ifo = IFO model
fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
that the thermal noise is
dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
= hForce + theta^2 * vForce
= admittance / (i * w)
where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
modes and coating properties should not be included.
hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
Ah = horizontal equations of motion
Av = vertical equations of motion
modification for the different temperatures between the stages
K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
# helper functions
def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
"""construct a matrix for eq of motion
k is the array for the spring constants
f is the freq vector"""
w = 2*pi * f
A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
return A
def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
# transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
hForce = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hForce[:] = X[3,:]
# transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
hTable = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hTable[:] = X[0,:]
hTable = hTable * k[0,:]
return hForce, hTable
# default arguments
fiberType = 0
# Assign Physical Constants
g = scipy.constants.g
kB = scipy.constants.k
Temp = ifo.Suspension.Temp
if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
# if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
alpha_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
beta_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
rho = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Rho # mass density
C = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.C
K = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.K # W/(m kg)
ds = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Dissdepth # surface loss dissipation depth
phi_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Phi
rho_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
C_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
K_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
Y_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
alpha_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
beta_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
rho_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
C_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
K_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
Y_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
alpha_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
beta_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
# Begin parameter assignment
# Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
# counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
# counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
# Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
# I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
# for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
# to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
# mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
# characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
# work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
# reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
# desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
# day when we might do that.
theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
m4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
M1 = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage n
M2 = m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
M3 = m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
L1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
L2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
L3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
L4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
dil1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
dil2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
dil3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
kv10 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
kv20 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
kv30 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
# Correction for the pendulum restoring force
# replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3
# K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
kh10 = M1*g/L1 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
kh20 = M2*g/L2 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
kh30 = M3*g/L3 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
kh40 = m4*g/L4 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
r_st1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
r_st2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
r_st3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
t_m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
t_m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
t_m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
N1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires # number of wires in stage n
N2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Y # Young's modulus of Si
if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
xsect = pi * r_fib**2 # cross-sectional area
II4 = r_fib**4 * pi/4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
mu_v = 2 / r_fib # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
mu_h = 4 / r_fib # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
tau_si = 7.372e-2 * rho * C * (4*xsect/pi) / K # TE time constant
W = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
t = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
xsect = W * t
II4 = (W * t**3)/12
mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
tau_si = (rho * C * t**2) / (K * pi**2)
# loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
phiv4 = phi_si * (1 + mu_v * ds)
Y_si_v = Y_si * (1 + 1j * phiv4) # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
T4 = m4 * g / N4 # Tension in last stage
# TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
tau_steel1 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
tau_steel2 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
tau_steel3 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
# TE time constant, maraging blade 1
tau_marag1 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag2 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag3 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
# vertical delta, maraging
delta_v1 = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
delta_v2 = delta_v1
delta_v3 = delta_v1
# horizontal delta, steel, stage n
delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
# solutions to equations of motion
B = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 1]).T
w = 2*pi * f
# thermoelastic correction factor, silica
delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
# vertical loss factor, maraging
phiv1 = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
phiv2 = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
phiv3 = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
# horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
phih1 = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
phih2 = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
phih3 = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
kv1 = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1) # stage n spring constant, vertical
kv2 = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2) # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
kv3 = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3) # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
kh1 = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1) # stage n spring constant, horizontal
kh2 = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2) # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
kh3 = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3) # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
# loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
phih4 = phi_si * (1 + mu_h * ds) + \
delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
# violin mode calculations
Y_si_h = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4) # Horizontal Young's modulus
simp1 = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h) * w # simplification factor 1 q
simp2 = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4) # simplification factor 2 p
# simplification factor 3 kk
simp3 = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor a
b = sin(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor b
# vertical spring constant, last stage
kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4) # this seems to not be used ??
kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
# FIXME - guess for blade springs
kv4 = kv4 / 16
# numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4num = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3 * (simp2**2 + simp3**2) * (a + simp2 * b)
# denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4den = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
# horizontal spring constant, last stage
kh4 = -kh4num / kh4den
# Equations of motion for the system
m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4)) # array of the mass
kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4)) # array of the horiz spring constants
kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4)) # array of the vert spring constants
# Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
hForce = mat_struct()
vForce = mat_struct()
hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av
def suspQuad(f, ifo):
"""Suspension for quadruple pendulum
Silica ribbons used in mirror suspension stage; steel in others
Violin modes included
Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
f = frequency vector
ifo = IFO model
fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
that the thermal noise is
dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
= hForce + theta^2 * vForce
= admittance / (i * w)
where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
modes and coating properties should not be included.
hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
Ah = horizontal equations of motion
Av = vertical equations of motion
modification for the different temperatures between the stages
K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
# helper functions
def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
"""construct a matrix for eq of motion
k is the array for the spring constants
f is the freq vector"""
w = 2*pi * f
A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
return A
def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
# transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
hForce = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hForce[:] = X[3,:]
# transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
hTable = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hTable[:] = X[0,:]
hTable = hTable * k[0,:]
return hForce, hTable
# default arguments
fiberType = 0
# Assign Physical Constants
g = scipy.constants.g
kB = scipy.constants.k
Temp = ifo.Suspension.Temp
if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
# if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
alpha_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
beta_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
rho = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Rho # mass density
C = ifo.Suspension.Silica.C
K = ifo.Suspension.Silica.K # W/(m kg)
ds = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Dissdepth # surface loss dissipation depth
rho_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
C_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
K_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
Y_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
alpha_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
beta_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
rho_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
C_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
K_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
Y_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
alpha_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
beta_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
# Begin parameter assignment
# Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
# counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
# counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
# Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
# I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
# for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
# to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
# mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
# characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
# work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
# reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
# desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
# day when we might do that.
theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
m4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
M1 = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage n
M2 = m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
M3 = m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
L1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
L2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
L3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
L4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
dil1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
dil2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
dil3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
kv10 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
kv20 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
kv30 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
# Correction for the pendulum restoring force
# replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3
# K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
kh10 = M1*g/L1 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
kh20 = M2*g/L2 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
kh30 = M3*g/L3 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
kh40 = m4*g/L4 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
r_st1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
r_st2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
r_st3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
t_m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
t_m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
t_m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
N1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires # number of wires in stage n
N2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Y
if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
xsect = pi*r_fib**2 # cross-sectional area
II4 = r_fib**4*pi/4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
mu_v = 2/r_fib # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
mu_h = 4/r_fib # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
tau_si = 7.372e-2*rho*C*(4*xsect/pi)/K # TE time constant
W = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
t = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
xsect = W * t
II4 = (W * t**3)/12
mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
tau_si = (rho*C*t**2)/(K*pi**2)
# loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
phiv4 = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_v*ds)
Y_si_v = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phiv4) # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
T4 = m4*g / N4 # Tension in last stage
# TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
tau_steel1 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
tau_steel2 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
tau_steel3 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
# TE time constant, maraging blade 1
tau_marag1 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag2 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag3 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
# vertical delta, maraging
delta_v1 = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
delta_v2 = delta_v1
delta_v3 = delta_v1
# horizontal delta, steel, stage n
delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
# solutions to equations of motion
B = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 1]).T
w = 2*pi*f
# thermoelastic correction factor, silica
delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
# vertical loss factor, maraging
phiv1 = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
phiv2 = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
phiv3 = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
# horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
phih1 = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
phih2 = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
phih3 = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
kv1 = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1) # stage n spring constant, vertical
kv2 = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2) # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
kv3 = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3) # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
kh1 = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1) # stage n spring constant, horizontal
kh2 = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2) # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
kh3 = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3) # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
# loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
phih4 = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_h * ds) + \
delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
# violin mode calculations
Y_si_h = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4) # Horizontal Young's modulus
simp1 = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h)*w # simplification factor 1 q
simp2 = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4) # simplification factor 2 p
# simplification factor 3 kk
simp3 = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor a
b = sin(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor b
# vertical spring constant, last stage
kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4) # this seems to not be used ??
kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
# numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4num = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3*(simp2**2+simp3**2)*(a+simp2*b)
# denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4den = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
# horizontal spring constant, last stage
kh4 = -kh4num / kh4den
# Equations of motion for the system
m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4)) # array of the mass
kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4)) # array of the horiz spring constants
kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4)) # array of the vert spring constants
# Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
hForce = mat_struct()
vForce = mat_struct()
hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av
from __future__ import division
from numpy import pi, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, real, imag, zeros
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from import mat_struct
def suspQuad(f, ifo):
"""Suspension for quadruple pendulum
Silica ribbons used in mirror suspension stage; steel in others
Violin modes included
Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
f = frequency vector
ifo = IFO model
fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
that the thermal noise is
dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
= hForce + theta^2 * vForce
= admittance / (i * w)
where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
modes and coating properties should not be included.
hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
Ah = horizontal equations of motion
Av = vertical equations of motion
modification for the different temperatures between the stages
K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
# helper functions
def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
"""construct a matrix for eq of motion
k is the array for the spring constants
f is the freq vector"""
w = 2*pi * f
A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
return A
def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
# transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
hForce = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hForce[:] = X[3,:]
# transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
hTable = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hTable[:] = X[0,:]
hTable = hTable * k[0,:]
return hForce, hTable
# default arguments
fiberType = 0
# Assign Physical Constants
g = scipy.constants.g
kB = scipy.constants.k
Temp = ifo.Suspension.Temp
if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
# if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
alpha_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
beta_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
rho = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Rho # mass density
C = ifo.Suspension.Silica.C
K = ifo.Suspension.Silica.K # W/(m kg)
ds = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Dissdepth # surface loss dissipation depth
rho_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
C_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
K_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
Y_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
alpha_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
beta_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
rho_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
C_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
K_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
Y_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
alpha_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
beta_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
# Begin parameter assignment
# Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
# counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
# counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
# Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
# I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
# for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
# to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
# mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
# characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
# work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
# reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
# desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
# day when we might do that.
theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
m4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
M1 = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage n
M2 = m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
M3 = m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
L1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
L2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
L3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
L4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
dil1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
dil2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
dil3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
kv10 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
kv20 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
kv30 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
# Correction for the pendulum restoring force
# replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3
# K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
kh10 = M1*g/L1 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
kh20 = M2*g/L2 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
kh30 = M3*g/L3 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
kh40 = m4*g/L4 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
r_st1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
r_st2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
r_st3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
t_m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
t_m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
t_m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
N1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires # number of wires in stage n
N2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Y
if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
xsect = pi*r_fib**2 # cross-sectional area
II4 = r_fib**4*pi/4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
mu_v = 2/r_fib # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
mu_h = 4/r_fib # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
tau_si = 7.372e-2*rho*C*(4*xsect/pi)/K # TE time constant
W = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
t = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
xsect = W * t
II4 = (W * t**3)/12
mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
tau_si = (rho*C*t**2)/(K*pi**2)
# loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
phiv4 = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_v*ds)
Y_si_v = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phiv4) # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
T4 = m4*g / N4 # Tension in last stage
# TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
tau_steel1 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
tau_steel2 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
tau_steel3 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
# TE time constant, maraging blade 1
tau_marag1 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag2 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag3 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
# vertical delta, maraging
delta_v1 = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
delta_v2 = delta_v1
delta_v3 = delta_v1
# horizontal delta, steel, stage n
delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
# solutions to equations of motion
B = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 1]).T
w = 2*pi*f
# thermoelastic correction factor, silica
delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
# vertical loss factor, maraging
phiv1 = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
phiv2 = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
phiv3 = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
# horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
phih1 = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
phih2 = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
phih3 = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
kv1 = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1) # stage n spring constant, vertical
kv2 = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2) # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
kv3 = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3) # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
kh1 = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1) # stage n spring constant, horizontal
kh2 = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2) # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
kh3 = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3) # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
# loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
phih4 = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_h * ds) + \
delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
# violin mode calculations
Y_si_h = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4) # Horizontal Young's modulus
simp1 = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h)*w # simplification factor 1 q
simp2 = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4) # simplification factor 2 p
# simplification factor 3 kk
simp3 = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor a
b = sin(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor b
# vertical spring constant, last stage
kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4) # this seems to not be used ??
kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
# numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4num = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3*(simp2**2+simp3**2)*(a+simp2*b)
# denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4den = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
# horizontal spring constant, last stage
kh4 = -kh4num / kh4den
# Equations of motion for the system
m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4)) # array of the mass
kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4)) # array of the horiz spring constants
kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4)) # array of the vert spring constants
# Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
hForce = mat_struct()
vForce = mat_struct()
hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av
def suspBQuad(f, ifo):
"""Suspension for next gen quadruple pendulum
Violin modes included
Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
------------ for GWINC - DEV
*** NOW USING Silicon blades and fibers ---
1) vertical bounce mode of the blade/fiber ~4.1 Hz
2) smaller dissipation depth than SiO2 (c.f. Nawrodt (2010))
3) phi_Si = 2e-9
f = frequency vector
ifo = IFO model
fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
that the thermal noise is
dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
= hForce + theta^2 * vForce
= admittance / (i * w)
where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
modes and coating properties should not be included.
hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
Ah = horizontal equations of motion
Av = vertical equations of motion
modification for the different temperatures between the stages
K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
# helper functions
def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
"""construct a matrix for eq of motion
k is the array for the spring constants
f is the freq vector"""
w = 2*pi * f
A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
return A
def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
# transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
hForce = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hForce[:] = X[3,:]
# transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
hTable = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
hTable[:] = X[0,:]
hTable = hTable * k[0,:]
return hForce, hTable
# default arguments
fiberType = 0
# Assign Physical Constants
g = scipy.constants.g
kB = scipy.constants.k
Temp = ifo.Suspension.Temp
if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
# if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
alpha_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
beta_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
rho = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Rho # mass density
C = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.C
K = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.K # W/(m kg)
ds = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Dissdepth # surface loss dissipation depth
phi_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Phi
rho_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
C_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
K_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
Y_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
alpha_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
beta_st = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
rho_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
C_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
K_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
Y_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
alpha_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
beta_m = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
# Begin parameter assignment
# Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
# counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
# counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
# Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
# I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
# for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
# to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
# mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
# characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
# work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
# reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
# desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
# day when we might do that.
theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
m4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
M1 = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage n
M2 = m2 + m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
M3 = m3 + m4 # mass supported by stage ...
L1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
L2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
L3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
L4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
dil1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
dil2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
dil3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
kv10 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
kv20 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
kv30 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
# Correction for the pendulum restoring force
# replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3
# K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
kh10 = M1*g/L1 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
kh20 = M2*g/L2 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
kh30 = M3*g/L3 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
kh40 = m4*g/L4 # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
r_st1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
r_st2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
r_st3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
t_m1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
t_m2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
t_m3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
N1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires # number of wires in stage n
N2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
N4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires # Number of wires in stage 1
Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Y # Young's modulus of Si
if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
xsect = pi * r_fib**2 # cross-sectional area
II4 = r_fib**4 * pi/4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
mu_v = 2 / r_fib # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
mu_h = 4 / r_fib # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
tau_si = 7.372e-2 * rho * C * (4*xsect/pi) / K # TE time constant
W = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
t = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
xsect = W * t
II4 = (W * t**3)/12
mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
tau_si = (rho * C * t**2) / (K * pi**2)
# loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
phiv4 = phi_si * (1 + mu_v * ds)
Y_si_v = Y_si * (1 + 1j * phiv4) # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
T4 = m4 * g / N4 # Tension in last stage
# TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
tau_steel1 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
tau_steel2 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
tau_steel3 = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
# TE time constant, maraging blade 1
tau_marag1 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag2 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
tau_marag3 = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
# vertical delta, maraging
delta_v1 = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
delta_v2 = delta_v1
delta_v3 = delta_v1
# horizontal delta, steel, stage n
delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
# solutions to equations of motion
B = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 1]).T
w = 2*pi * f
# thermoelastic correction factor, silica
delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
# vertical loss factor, maraging
phiv1 = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
phiv2 = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
phiv3 = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
# horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
phih1 = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
phih2 = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
phih3 = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
kv1 = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1) # stage n spring constant, vertical
kv2 = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2) # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
kv3 = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3) # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
kh1 = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1) # stage n spring constant, horizontal
kh2 = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2) # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
kh3 = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3) # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
# loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
phih4 = phi_si * (1 + mu_h * ds) + \
delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
# violin mode calculations
Y_si_h = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4) # Horizontal Young's modulus
simp1 = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h) * w # simplification factor 1 q
simp2 = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4) # simplification factor 2 p
# simplification factor 3 kk
simp3 = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor a
b = sin(simp2 * L4) # simplification factor b
# vertical spring constant, last stage
kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4) # this seems to not be used ??
kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
# FIXME - guess for blade springs
kv4 = kv4 / 16
# numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4num = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3 * (simp2**2 + simp3**2) * (a + simp2 * b)
# denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
kh4den = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
# horizontal spring constant, last stage
kh4 = -kh4num / kh4den
# Equations of motion for the system
m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4)) # array of the mass
kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4)) # array of the horiz spring constants
kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4)) # array of the vert spring constants
# Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
hForce = mat_struct()
vForce = mat_struct()
hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
# horizontal
k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
# vertical
k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
# construct Eq of motion matrix
Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
# calculate TFs
vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av
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