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Fix for segfault when accesing out of bounds freqData in BayesLineSetup

Fix for segfault when accessing out of bounds freqData in BayesLineSetup (Off by one error) Now BayesLineParams->data->fmax agrees with Data->fmax Also set BayesLineParams->data->fhigh to BayesLineParams->data->fhigh in create_dataParams because otherwise it is unset.

For instance:

--ifo H1 --psdlength 4.0 --H1-cache LALSimAdLIGO --updateGeocenterPSD --waveletPrior --Dmax 100 --chainseed 1234 --Nchain 2 --signalOnly --Nthreads 1 --bayesLine --Niter 20000 --trigtime 123456789.000000000 --segment-start 123456787.000000000 --srate 2048.0 --seglen 4.0 --window 1.0 --H1-flow 20.0 --psdstart 123456787.000000000 --dataseed 1234 --H1-timeslide 0.0 --outputDir trigtime_123456789.000000000_0.0_0.0_0

Finishes successfully on this branch,

on current master (approximately 1/5 times)

--ifo H1 --psdlength 4.0 --H1-cache LALSimAdLIGO --updateGeocenterPSD --waveletPrior --Dmax 100 --chainseed 1234 --Nchain 2 --signalOnly --Nthreads 1 --bayesLine --Niter 20000 --trigtime 123456789.000000000 --segment-start 123456787.000000000 --srate 2048.0 --seglen 4.0 --window 1.0 --H1-flow 20.0 --psdstart 123456787.000000000 --dataseed 1234 --H1-timeslide 0.0 --outputDir trigtime_123456789.000000000_0.0_0.0_0


 ========= BayesWave Version: ========

  Git remote origin:
  Git version: v1.1.0-8-g1e76b56-dirty
  Git commit: 1e76b56180a131543680a07bd0250a41d3dcb79e
  Git commit author:
  Git commit date: Thu May 11 14:24:17 2023 -0700
  Command line:  --ifo H1 --psdlength 4.0 --H1-cache LALSimAdLIGO --updateGeocenterPSD  --waveletPrior  --Dmax 100 --chainseed 1234 --Nchain 2 --signalOnly  --Nthreads 1 --bayesLine  --Niter 20000 --trigtime 123456789.000000000 --segment-start 123456787.000000000 --srate 2048.0 --seglen 4.0 --window 1.0 --H1-flow 20.0 --psdstart 123456787.000000000 --dataseed 1234 --H1-timeslide 0.0 --outputDir trigtime_123456789.000000000_0.0_0.0_0

 ======= LALInferenceReadData() ======
Set trigtime to 123456789.0000000000

 ============= Channels ==============
Detector H1: channel H1:Simulated

************************ WARNING ************************
Too few iterations for spline integration (20000)
Reverting to trapezoid integration
Request --Niter > 1000000 for spline integration

Outputting all data to: trigtime_123456789.000000000_0.0_0.0_0/ 

imin, imax, fmin, fmax: 80, 4096, 20.000000, 1024.000000
Skipping overlap reduction function, NI=1

 ============ BayesLine ==============
Setting maximum number of BL lines to 1000

Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV)

Replacing !283 (closed) because squashing commits made rebasing funky

Edited by Sophie Hourihane

Merge request reports
