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Commit f75614ec authored by Gregory Ashton's avatar Gregory Ashton
Browse files

Rework of the skymap utilities

Replaces the outdated (and potentially incorrect) skymap code with code
adapated from ligo.skymap itself. This is incorporated into the
CBCResult object as a method, and generated the fits, pickle and skymap.
parent ad23b24f
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1 merge request!478Rework of the skymap utilities
Pipeline #60248 failed
from __future__ import division
import json
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
import numpy as np
import os
from ..core.result import Result as CoreResult
from ..core.utils import logger
from ..core.utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
from .utils import (plot_spline_pos,
......@@ -180,5 +183,182 @@ class CompactBinaryCoalesenceResult(CoreResult):
fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_skymap(
self, maxpts=None, trials=5, jobs=1, enable_multiresolution=True,
objid=None, instruments=None, geo=False, dpi=600,
transparent=False, colorbar=False, contour=[50, 90],
annotate=True, cmap='cylon'):
""" Generate a fits file and sky map from a result
Code adapted from ligo.skymap.tool.ligo_skymap_from_samples and
maxpts: int
Number of samples to use, if None all samples are used
trials: int
Number of trials at each clustering number
jobs: int
Number of multiple threads
enable_multiresolution: bool
Generate a multiresolution HEALPix map (default: True)
objid: st
Event ID to store in FITS header
instruments: str
Name of detectors
geo: bool
Plot in geographic coordinates (lat, lon) instead of RA, Dec
dpi: int
Resolution of figure in fots per inch
transparent: bool
Save image with transparent background
colorbar: bool
Show colorbar
contour: list
List of contour levels to use
annotate: bool
Annotate image with details
cmap: str
Name of the colormap to use
from ligo.skymap import io
from ligo.skymap.bayestar import rasterize
from ligo.skymap import version
from astropy.time import Time
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
from ligo.skymap.kde import Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE, Clustered2DSkyKDE
import healpy as hp
from import fits
from ligo.skymap import plot
from ligo.skymap import postprocess
check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(self.outdir)'Reading samples for skymap')
data = self.posterior
if maxpts is not None and maxpts < len(data):'Taking random subsample of chain')
data = data.sample(maxpts)
pts = data[['ra', 'dec', 'luminosity_distance']].values
cls = Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE
distance = True
except KeyError:
logger.warning("The results file does not contain luminosity_distance")
pts = data[['ra', 'dec']].values
cls = Clustered2DSkyKDE
distance = False
skypost = cls(pts, trials=trials, multiprocess=jobs)
obj_filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, '{}_skypost.obj'.format(self.label))'Pickling skymap to {}'.format(obj_filename))
with open(obj_filename, 'wb') as out:
pickle.dump(skypost, out)'Making skymap')
hpmap = skypost.as_healpix()
if not enable_multiresolution:
hpmap = rasterize(hpmap)
hpmap.meta['creator'] = "bilby"
hpmap.meta['origin'] = 'LIGO/Virgo'
hpmap.meta['gps_creation_time'] =
hpmap.meta['history'] = ""
if objid is not None:
hpmap.meta['objid'] = objid
if instruments:
hpmap.meta['instruments'] = instruments
if distance:
hpmap.meta['distmean'] = np.mean(data['luminosity_distance'])
hpmap.meta['diststd'] = np.std(data['luminosity_distance'])
time = data['geocent_time']
hpmap.meta['gps_time'] = time.mean()
except KeyError:
logger.warning('Cannot determine the event time from geocent_time')
fits_filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, "{}_skymap.fits".format(self.label))'Saving skymap fits-file to {}'.format(fits_filename))
io.write_sky_map(fits_filename, hpmap, nest=True)
skymap, metadata = fits.read_sky_map(fits_filename, nest=None)
nside = hp.npix2nside(len(skymap))
# Convert sky map from probability to probability per square degree.
deg2perpix = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
probperdeg2 = skymap / deg2perpix
if geo:
obstime = Time(metadata['gps_time'], format='gps').utc.isot
ax = plt.axes(projection='geo degrees mollweide', obstime=obstime)
ax = plt.axes(projection='astro hours mollweide')
# Plot sky map.
vmax = probperdeg2.max()
img = ax.imshow_hpx(
(probperdeg2, 'ICRS'), nested=metadata['nest'], vmin=0., vmax=vmax,
# Add colorbar.
if colorbar:
cb = plot.colorbar(img)
cb.set_label(r'prob. per deg$^2$')
if contour is not None:
cls = 100 * postprocess.find_greedy_credible_levels(skymap)
cs = ax.contour_hpx(
(cls, 'ICRS'), nested=metadata['nest'],
colors='k', linewidths=0.5, levels=contour)
fmt = r'%g\%%' if rcParams['text.usetex'] else '%g%%'
plt.clabel(cs, fmt=fmt, fontsize=6, inline=True)
# Add continents.
if geo:
geojson_filename = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(plot.__file__), 'ne_simplified_coastline.json')
with open(geojson_filename, 'r') as geojson_file:
geoms = json.load(geojson_file)['geometries']
verts = [coord for geom in geoms
for coord in zip(*geom['coordinates'])]
plt.plot(*verts, color='0.5', linewidth=0.5,
# Add a white outline to all text to make it stand out from the background.
if annotate:
text = []
objid = metadata['objid']
except KeyError:
text.append('event ID: {}'.format(objid))
if contour:
pp = np.round(contour).astype(int)
ii = np.round(np.searchsorted(np.sort(cls), contour) *
for i, p in zip(ii, pp):
# FIXME: use Unicode symbol instead of TeX '$^2$'
# because of broken fonts on Scientific Linux 7.
u'{:d}% area: {:d} deg²'.format(p, i, grouping=True))
ax.text(1, 1, '\n'.join(text), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='right')
filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, "{}_skymap.png".format(self.label))"Generating 2D projected skymap to {}".format(filename))
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=500)
CBCResult = CompactBinaryCoalesenceResult
......@@ -568,84 +568,6 @@ def gw_data_find(observatory, gps_start_time, duration, calibration,
return output_cache_file
def save_to_fits(posterior, outdir, label):
""" Generate a fits file from a posterior array """
from import fits
from astropy.units import pixel
from astropy.table import Table
import healpy as hp
nside = hp.get_nside(posterior)
npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
logger.debug('Generating table')
m = Table([posterior], names=['PROB'])
m['PROB'].unit = pixel ** -1
ordering = 'RING'
extra_header = [('PIXTYPE', 'HEALPIX',
'HEALPIX pixelisation'),
('ORDERING', ordering,
'Pixel ordering scheme: RING, NESTED, or NUNIQ'),
'Ecliptic, Galactic or Celestial (equatorial)'),
('NSIDE', hp.npix2nside(npix),
'Resolution parameter of HEALPIX'),
'Indexing: IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT')]
fname = '{}/{}_{}.fits'.format(outdir, label, nside)
hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(m)
hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), hdu])
logger.debug('Writing to a fits file')
hdulist.writeto(fname, overwrite=True)
def plot_skymap(result, center='120d -40d', nside=512):
""" Generate a sky map from a result """
import scipy
from astropy.units import deg
import healpy as hp
import ligo.skymap.plot # noqa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
logger.debug('Generating skymap')
logger.debug('Reading in ra and dec, creating kde and converting')
ra_dec_radians = result.posterior[['ra', 'dec']].values
kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(ra_dec_radians.T)
npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
ipix = range(npix)
theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix)
ra = phi
dec = 0.5 * np.pi - theta
logger.debug('Generating posterior')
post = kde(np.row_stack([ra, dec]))
post /= np.sum(post * hp.nside2pixarea(nside))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9],
projection='astro globe',
ax.coords.grid(True, linestyle='--')
lon = ax.coords[0]
lat = ax.coords[1]
lon.set_ticks(exclude_overlapping=True, spacing=45 * deg)
lat.set_ticks(spacing=30 * deg)
logger.debug('Plotting sky map')
fig.savefig('{}/{}_skymap.png'.format(result.outdir, result.label))
def build_roq_weights(data, basis, deltaF):
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