Maintenance will be performed on,, and on Tuesday 25 March 2025 starting at approximately 8:30am PDT. It is expected to take around 30 minutes and there will be several periods of downtime throughout the maintenance. Please address any comments, concerns, or questions to the helpdesk.
To kick the discussion of. We already output a "result" HDF5 file. You can download a complete example here. To inspect it, you can load it with any HDF5 reader (in theory). For example [*]
Here you can see the list of keys of what we currently save. We should add to this result object the software version information and perhaps (if possible) some user data (note there is an arbitrary meta_data field where you can throw any extra data you like.
Three questions - (a) what else should be in any publicly released file and what should be removed from that list? (beside the version information which of course should be tehre).
(b) Should their be a special public-release file type or can we simple use the "result" object which is already output (my preference is that they should be identical).
(c) Are there any reasons not to use a HDF5 file format? It seems universal to me, but others may know better.
[*] Note deepdish is the python-based HDF5 file reader/writer used by bilby for writing the files. It also provides a command line tool ddls which can be used to inspect the h5 file from the command line, e.g.
I would like the approximant that was used to generate the samples to be stored somewhere in the output file for use in the summary pages (I don't think it is currently stored, although this could have been fixed and I could be using a slightly out of date version of bilby).
Closing as there isn't any specific task associated with this. The results file has been cleaned up and could be a "public" release. Feel free to open if you have a specific change suggestion.