Production ready version for O3 LVC running.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Bug in the evidence from merged runs
- Restructure prior module
- Conditional Priors not working reliably with Nested conditions
- Calibration tests
- How to stop bilby version info being written to console on import
- Add a page of documentation on the marginalized likelihood
- Save correct luminosity distance when distance marginalizing
- Add checking to the ROQ usage
- Make bilby (or bilby_pipe) default PSD creation equivalent to LALInference
- ROQ Likelihood does not permit the calculation of SNRs (which breaks conversion functions)
- ROQ doesn't convert arguments to float
- Determine default for sampler, sampler settings, jump proposals
- Support for time domain waveforms
- Improve the PP plot
- Waveforms don't match LALInference
- ensure that Bilby can run on large-scale computing resources beyond the LIGO Data Grid
- Be ready for new injection infrastructure
- Unexpected behaviour when converting to all BBH parameters with phase marginalization turned on
- Reproducibility between LALInference and bilby
- Create summary file for detector information
- Sample file output
- Bilby pipe
- Generate additional tidal parameters