Maintenance will be performed on,, and on Tuesday 24 March 2025 starting at approximately 8:30am PDT. It is expected to take around 30 minutes and there will be several periods of downtime throughout the maintenance. Please address any comments, concerns, or questions to the helpdesk.
Noting again that the difference seen in the latest bilby posterior is consistent with using neither reflective nor periodic boundaries for the calibration parameters.
I am happy to change the default priors to use one of those boundary conditions and try running again before sending this off to review if people think that's the way forward.
Before I do that, can we come to a consensus on the first question? Should I submit a MR in bilby_pipe so that the spline nodes are in the same place as LALInference? Or does that not matter?
I agree with Colm here. Until we have a sensible reason to change them (they are "fundamentally wrong" or they cause a severe level of difference with L.I) I'd leave it as is.
I'm kind of tied up with other things at the moment so I'm going to leave it to others to push getting this seen to by Matt/Simon at somepoint.